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The decision has been made ....


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A warm hello to everyone who reads this,

The decision to move to Australia has always been thought off in our home and yet been put on hold

due to studies, finances and so on.

Now the topic has risen again and we have finally decided to pursue this dream.

I have spent hours on the net researching things one needs to know/ do regarding this BIG move and stumbled upon this

fantastic website about 2 weeks ago.

I just want to thank you all for sharing your experiences. The info in here truly puts things into perspective for me.

A gold mine of sorts.

We will start the process of applying for jobs in April and are hoping to secure a Employer sponsorship.

Hubby is in IT (BI Manager) and I am in the finance industry.

Till then.....Thank you once again and God Bless.

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welcome and good luck! Im sure you will find everything you need right here!

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Welcome to the forum and good luck with the rest of the process and journey that lies ahead. :ilikeit:

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Hi, Welcome. All the best and good Luck. Have you thought about what VISA you will be applying for.

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Hello. Welcome. Good luck....

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Hello. Welcome. Good luck....

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Welcome and good luck :)

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