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Our Journey Begins


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I am Jay. My family and I (Wife and two kids) are on the Journey to move to Oz. Have our PR VISA. We are planning our LSD trip on a few weeks time and need to figure out exactly what to do.

Load of things in our heads at the moment. . .

  • Selling the house
  • What to keep in the house and what to sell?
  • Buy from SA or in Aus
  • Container or not?
  • Which city is best for us. . . Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney?
  • Freaked out about cost!
  • Hearing that the rand dollar keeps going the wrong way

We still need to figure out exactly what to do and where to go for our LSD. All we have completed

thus far is flights, accommodation and car rental. Lots more to do and feeling a bit overwhelmed.

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I will give you the same advice that I have given to many in the past, do not be so worried about where you will live, most cities are pretty similar, except perhaps for the weather. What you need to concentrate on is where you would find work the easiest, and just in case you do not like your employer, also consider how many jobs in your field are available in the city you choose., so that you can change employers, if you do not like the first one.

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Welcome to the forum Jay and congratulations on your PR Visa.

Which cities are you planning to do your LSD trip to? If you're planning on visiting Sydney, we're more than willing to meet up with you when you're here and give you our perspective of this city. It's always a good idea to get as much information together as possible which will make your decision as to where to settle down that much easier (or narrow it down at least).

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Hi Jay.

Congratulations on the PR and welcome to the forum. We also just got our visa's in December and we are planning on moving permanently to Australia in April. There are many things to still take care of and sort out before we go so I completely understand the feeling of being overwhelmed. Just know that you have discovered an awesome group of people here that are more than willing to help people they don't know. We all have common goals and dreams.

Good luck with the process and enjoy the LSD. Keep and open mind and don't limit yourselves. :ilikeit:

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Welcome and good luck :)

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Welcome, good luck and remember everything will work out just fine.... one way or another...

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Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your PR status. We have ours too and waiting to move to Melbourne asap. So many things to do and consider so understand being overwhelmed.

All the best and fire away with questions. This forum is a wealth of information with amazing people , all on a similar journey.

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Thanks to all of the encouraging words. I makes us feel much better.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Finding where you will fit and be happy is as important a part of the journey as getting that visa :) . I'm in agreement with Mara, head to where your work opportunities are greatest and from there you at least are working, earning dollars and able to travel a bit to get a feel for other parts of the country. Many of us move a few times before we feel really settled.

I hope you have a lovely LSD trip.

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