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We've been in Melbourne 6 months now and to be honest, I feel like a fish out of water. I've married an Australian and whilst we love each other dearly, I think I'm losing my mind. Would just love to hook up with other South African's here.

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Hiya Nikki

Firstly huge hugs!

I am by no means able to say I understand because I am not in Oz yet. But I can imagine it must be hugely difficult trying to adjust to a new country that is second nature to your husband. Someone told me you have to give it at least 2 years to feel comfortable.

Guess it is sort of like a new relationship (refering to adjusting to a new country)....at the 6/7 month mark the "honeymoon phase" is over and the relationship is more routine and has lost it's sparkle a bit.

How did you meet? Did you want to move? Do you have any family and friends there?

Sorry for all the q's...you don't have to answer if you rather not.

You will find this forum great. Lots of lovely people.


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Hey Nikki2109

Welcome to the family.

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You are welcome to PM me, not your age, ancient in forum terms, but always happy to meet and introduce you to others. I live in Sunbury on the north west of Melbourne. Where are you placed?

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Good luck with adjusting! it takes a lot of time. We moved to the US and it took me years to adjust. Give it some time....best of luck.

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Welcome to the forum Nikki

From another that felt like a fish out of water for a very long time. I can confirm tho, that things will get better, happier and easier with time. Just a suggestion, try and meet like minded people, not just South Africans. I found the more I integrated with Aussies and other cultures, the more I learnt about this country and the easier it was to fit in. Just my 2c.

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Welcome Nikki :ilikeit: :ilikeit: :ilikeit:

It takes time to settle in - remember: you have pulled your roots out of familiar ground and planted it in foreign soil - you have to give it lots of sun, love, water and TIME.... Take it one day at a time - it will grow.

Good luck :ilikeit:

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Hi Nikki,

Don't worry, if you give it enough time and are open minded you will become used to your new environment.

Remember that you have to adjust to and get used to so many new aspects of your life in Melbourne. This all takes quiet some effort and energy, both physically and mentally.

Hopefully, by the time we get there in August this year, you’ll be all settled in and give us some encouragement and advice!

Best wishes,


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If you are on Facebook, there's a page called South Africans living in Melbourne. There's also Inzalo - South African Network Melbourne
is on Facebook.


Merise Magazine is also starting Social Clubs around Australia, so if you buy from the South African Shops, they sometimes put ads up there.

You'll be fine. I always remember chatting to a Nurse @ that was doing blood tests on me. She was from England & had been here about 18 months. I had been here for about 10 months & even tho' I was working, I didn't know many people. She said to me it was the same for her & then all of a sudden she had so many friends. Now I look back & think she was so right. If you play sport or have a hobby, join a club or group it's a good way to mingle as well. My Hubby plays tennis & we found a lovely club, which is also very social.

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