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A belated intro


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I never introduced myself...

Mark from Durban, lived in CPT for 4 years and will head back there if the emigration to Oz fails.

IT jack of all trades, network and systems engineer project management, ITIL, virtualisation/cloud, wireless backbones, all the usual std IT stuff, Been in IT since 1996, so that makes it... a long time... It does not help that all the technology changes every few years and certification is only valid between 1 and 3 years.

Actually completed a BSc degree in Geology and Applied Geology after school but never worked in the field which is a pity as this would have guaranteed entry into Oz easily. Still maybe a Geologist doing IT stuff for mines? Geological IT :-)

Most of my mates from school and varsity are in Oz and the place looks awesome, plus no BEE/AA so job prospects can only be better.

Friends recently moved to Canberra so will try their first otherwise it is Melbourne/Sydney or Perth. At the end of the day anywhere is fine as long as I am in Oz although I would like to avoid inland if possible.

Got as far as:

police clearance

unabridged birth certificate

varsity transcripts

updates passport

completed an MCITP to be more certified

Submitted for ACS skills assessment last week and paid the AUD450 (ouch at R9.51 to the 1AUD)

So now waiting, then it is EOI, Medical, Application...

I am going across by myself and will just take with me what I can on the flight. A container is too expensive.

I am also doing the whole process by myself with some friends help as I cannot afford an agent.


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Hi Mark

Welcome to the forum.

It's up to you but reading your list of priorities in so far as the application is concerned, I'd put the medical off until requested

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Hi Mark

Wellcome to the forum. All the best with your journey.

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Will do.

I don't think I am missing anything?

I already have a bank account there with NAB, have to present myself to get access.

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Thanks. To be honest I am stupid to not have started this process 10 years ago.

I wasted R50k in 2008 trying to get into the USA on the Green Card thing. Should have put that time, money and effort into getting into Oz. It was my girlfriends idea at the time to rather try and get into the USA, what a mistake.

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Hi Mark,

There is a middle way. http://www.sevenseasworldwide.com/home You can send as little as one box (we sent 15 and thought it the best decisions ever). They have "mini containers" called Move Cubes, a relatively new product, a few on here have used it with success. Good luck with the purge.

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Hey Mark, welcome to the forum and good luck with the process and move. Sounds like you've got all the bases covered.

Agents are mostly overrated, have there place when there are quirks in an application but still a bit overrated, we wasted a large chunk of cash finding that out the hard way.

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Welcome and good luck :)

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It seems that you have more posts than me ... so not sure who should be welcoming who ... but 'hi' nevertheless and all the best for your journey!

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Hi Mark,

Good luck!

We did it all ourselves, no agent, had to get a bunch of translations done since we're living in Belgium at the moment. It is a pain, can be stressy at times but is worth the money you save.


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Hi Mark,

Good luck!

We did it all ourselves, no agent, had to get a bunch of translations done since we're living in Belgium at the moment. It is a pain, can be stressy at times but is worth the money you save.


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