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Don't want to be under the covers only, want to contribute.


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Hi All

Here follows my introduction.

I wanted to immigrate to OZ for sometime, but never could get the go ahead and buy in from the wife. Been reading the postings on this site for sometime to get a better perspective and understanding of what I am letting my self in for.

So, at last the wife approach me the other day and it seems she had a change of mind.

So for us the journey starts.

This is not going to be a quick process for us, even if it could happen tomorrow. Lots of stuff still need to happen, but I hope that in a few months down the line somebody else could take something from this post that could help them. Just as this site has help me to understand and answer questions and concern and take lesson from another persons that gone the same way.

Its a new year and time has move on. What was relevant yesterday might not be today, So it is important for new comers to give there views and experiences, even if nothing happens, that could also be a lesson to some.

So now I got the sign in. "Marmotte"

Ifs only my myself and the wife and together we are called the Marmotte (long story) but in short she is Marmot and I am Marmot SS :-D ...(one day... just be patient.)

So far I spoke to an agent to get an idea of our chances and he said wife qualifies, but not yet 100% convinced, still need to confirm this by way of a second opinion. We are planning to write our IELTS on the 22nd of March 2013 (need time to study first) and also start with skills Assessment and then obviously all the necessary document etc etc. Also downloaded pdf's from www.immi.gov.au and busy working through it.

Going to try for Skills Migration visa 189

I really appreciate the contributors to this site very much and salute you all for you time and effort in helping.


Marmot SS

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Hey Marmotte

Welcome to the forum and good luck with the adventure. I was in exactly the same boat with me wanting to go and the wife not being interested until around last year this time. Our time lines are very similar (just a year apart).

I think it's very important for you to get a second or even third opinion from an agent, there are some real sharks out there, just make sure that the one you decide to use comes recommended either here on the forum or by someone you know who has used them before and was happy with their service.

Things do change in this immigration game so quickly so please don't stop sharing your experiences (both good and bad), this forum has become like family to us and there are so many people here that will support and encourage you on your journey.

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Be careful with agents - there are a couple on here who provide a lot of info.

I'd be more likely to trust them than some other person.

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I have done the 189 myself (waiting for the go ahead), so it can be done without an agent if you are careful, do your research and have a fairly straight forward case.

Best of luck

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welcome and all the best, sounds like you're heading in the right direction. :)

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Thanks for all the warm welcomes. Going to create another ongoing post soon to record our experiences as we go along.

Also, my prayers and thoughts to all the people in the floods areas.

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  • 11 months later...

I just need to do this.....I started this topic some months ago.

Don't want to be under the covers only, want to contribute. "Started by Marmotte, Jan 27 2013 07:02 PM"

and 22nd of Jan 2014 got our 189 Visa.

So don't give up, just stay calm, patience and read through the topic on this site. The information are invaluable and can save you time and money.

Also here I want to Salute and thank members who contribute to this forum, you have been a great help to me and my Wife.

So many times a member contribute by just saying "welcome" or to like a comment you made or to comment and make aware of something ... etc. etc.

Names like: Mara, oubaasdik, enoughofjuju,macabes gideonvd, Liv, lillyL ...and so many others.

So I also leave my journey here, as my contribution.


All the best to others people that may come too.

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love it :) full circle.

So happy for you!!! I also have a very reluctant other-half... hoping our LSD will change that and we can try follow behind all who have gone before.

All the best for this next stage of planning and packing and moving. :)

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