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Nightmares, Logistix and other


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Well, the nerves regarding our big decision is starting to calm down, but now the anxiety of things not happening fast enough is driving me mad! we applied for our unabridged birth certificates in Okt 2012, and untill now NOTHING..... suprising??? I think not, so we paid a astronomical amount to a person who was able to get it within 4 days!! how is this possible??? And now waiting for our Eng test results, or more ......... MY eng test results as we were told at nr 99 I need to do it as well,we will collect them on Friday 25 Jan, and then courrier all the docs on monday,as if the stress is not enough, all our doc need to be in at the end of Jan.

Some other logitix is, I dont know if our house will sell in time, were planning on moving in May, but house sales are not looking good. And I need to start getting quotes on container and removals comp. Any suggestions????

Can anyone give me an estimate,How long from the moment we lodge our doc for our visa untill we actually have one? the web site says it can take up to six months??? but Ive heard of people who said theirs took two weeks.

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Hi Urshela

Welcome to the forum and this bumpy ride they call emigration. If you are looking for container people, we are using Bayley's Worldwide and they have been awesome so far. As for the birth and marriage certificates, search the forum, somewhere you will find a thread with the Director General of home affairs contact details in it and email him. Several people here have gotten results that way.

08-02-2012: Decided to emigrate.

22-08-2012: Lodged EOI.

15-09-2012: Received invitation to apply for 189.

07-11-2012: Visa application lodged.

14-11-2012: Submitted PCC's.

04-12-2012: Last medicals submitted.

19-12-2012: Visa Granted.

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HI Urshela

Calm down! lol! it will all work out!

Our visa has not been granted yet, and we submitted beginning Oct and it was officially recognised as submitted on 2 Nov. I check my email daily! it is very frustrating.

My advise, have a plan, but dont set all your ideals on going at a particular time, makes for a more relaxed time (but not less frustrating, I can assure you!) We have not planned to sell, booked flights, containers or anything until we get the visa, but would like to leave in June.

To courier on 25 or 26 Jan, is fine, wont take too long for a courier to get it to its destination.

Cant advise on the home affairs stuff, sorry

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh and now the wait...... We lodged our visa application today! And patience is not my best trait,weve done the medicals and all our doc are in order and submitted, the docs got lost initially and has only reached its destination a week later than expected grrrr, not happy about that, now I hope Luck will be on our side and all will be done a month or two from now as I have noted on this site has happened to some people.

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Welcome and good luck with all the franticness ;)

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