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How to clean a toilet


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How to clean the toilet

This is simply too much of a time saver not to share it with you!

1. Put both lids of the toilet up and add 1/8 cup of pet shampoo to the water in the bowl.

2. Pick up the cat and soothe him while you carry him towards the bathroom.

3. In one smooth movement put the cat in the toilet and close the lid. You may need to stand on the lid.

4. The cat will self agitate and make ample suds.

Never mind the noises that come from the toilet, the cat is actually enjoying this.

5. Flush the toilet three or four times, this provides a 'power-wash and rinse'.

6. Have someone open the front door of your home.

Be sure that there are no people between the bathroom and the front door.

7. Stand behind the toilet as far as you can, and quickly lift the lid.

8. The cat will rocket out of the toilet, streak through the bathroom, and run outside where he will dry himself off.

9. Both the toilet and the cat will be sparkling clean..

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You are a wicked, wicked man ;)

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I'm terrified of what will be said when Mara sees it ...... :cry:

AND HERE I AM.......(I forgot, I could just jump in and get a jump start on the Ninja kitties that are on their way! ..Mara)

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Banned....sent to the cooler, rapped over the knuckles......nah, Mara is a beautiful person and will somehow still see the good in you.

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LMGA, would imagine that throwing a large rodent in would make the power clean a super power clean. :whome: Wicked man but oh so funny. :ilikeit:

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OubaasDik, you are on my "little list" of forum members that have to be dealt with....ferociously! :whome:

I have given your name to my cat Lucy, told her about the nasty ideas you have, and she said "righto, this is one person that is going to pay, I will pass it around the neighbourhood, anyone with family in Canberra, will seek him out and do him in!".

Just thought I would warn you to be on the lookout for any cats giving you a strange look, be careful, it may just be 'that mate' coming to get you. :jester:

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Banned....sent to the cooler, rapped over the knuckles......nah, Mara is a beautiful person and will somehow still see the good in you.

She owns a microscope? ;)

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Is there any, I mean good? :whome:

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We have to believe that there is good in everyone....even OBD.......but I don't rate his chances now he is on the cat hit-list.

I'll put out the word to the Queensland feline population.

Picture it...thousands of cats marching to Canberra, ninja kitties in the front :)

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Yes, yes, yes! Thank you Andrea for spreading the word!

OubaasDik, be very afraid I tell you, very afraid!


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Cats already look at me funny - they LUV me, because they know I'm allergic, which makes me irresistible.

And I forgot that Mara is an internet Deity here so she can manifest in the middle of my posts. :(

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Mmmm, Oubaasdik, scaredy cat you, I see the fire got too hot here, so you opened a new thread :whome:

We had a business partner in RSA who disliked cats. Whenever he would come to visit, all five my cats would come and sit in a semi half circle around him and just stare at him, it was priceless. He said they made him feel like a mouse and that if he moved, they would pounce!

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I know the feeling - which is why I will never own a cat.

Imagine if you would, you are old and feeble and infirm and own (sorry, serve) cats and you die in your house. Do you worry that you cats will starve? or that they WON'T starve? .... *shudder* <_<

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I know the feeling - which is why I will never own a cat.

Imagine if you would, you are old and feeble and infirm and own (sorry, serve) cats and you die in your house. Do you worry that you cats will starve? or that they WON'T starve? .... *shudder* <_<

And your dog wouldn't eat you ?

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Yes, but he'd be grateful. There'd be none of this - "Oh, yech he's all stringy and tough" - "yes, he's allowed his hypothalamus to get out of shape" - "I'm not going to eat a liver that's in THAT condition" and so on. :P

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OubaasDik, you definitely crack me up!

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... not to mention "if he'd only been considerate enough to commit suicide with a gun" - we'd be sucking grey matter without all this gnawingggg on skuuullllssss stuff....

Cats - you can keep 'em.

Thank you Mara - I do appreciate the appreciation - (without BS)

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I read this to my OH (with much difficulty, I was laughing so hard) and his comment was:"You will only clean the toilet that way ONCE." (we had five cats - sadly one died of old age in December and another was run over two days later - so we know about cats' revenge)

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