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G'day all !!

Firstly, I am so pleased to have stumbled onto this forum!! :ilikeit:

I have learnt so much from reading everyone’s post and questions etc.

The advice given here really helps newbie’s like us a lot!

Like most of you, me and my partner have had enough of seeing this country go down the drain.

And I guess it hits me hard, because I know of so many South African men who fought for this country years ago and the stories of how they lost friends in battle hit me hard and the ongoing struggle against murders, fraud and the lot doesn’t help either.

Another reason for my decision is that my Father is Australia along with my step-mother and brother…

I visited them a couple of years ago and fell in love with Aus. To me it’s how I remember South Africa to be years ago when I was still a “tjokkertjie”

So now that you know my reasoning, here is a bit more about me and my partner;

My name is Zurica and I share my life with Luiz. As mentioned in a post, we both work in the gold mining industry.

I am an Engineering Scheduler and Luiz works for a contractor company that, amongst other things, monitors seismicity in the area.

We have no children (unless you count the cat) and we are planning on getting married in the future.

As my family is WA, we are focusing on Perth, Esperance, Kalgoorlie etc.

I hope to be one of the success stories and that like many others, I can soon post on the progress we have made and one day be able to help other newbie’s like myself!! :grads:

Edited by Zuricak
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Hi Zuricak

I think you may have answered your own question about how to get to Australia. Is you farther Australian by birth or did he also go over on a PR visa and get Australian citizenship by conference (as they call it)? If he was born Australian then do you not have the right to apply for Australian Citizenship based on the fact that your are his descendant? If you do that before you get married you can then get a spousal visa for your partner on the basis of a de Facto relationship. Just a thought.

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Hi !!

No, my father was born in SA. They immigrated to Aus about 7 years ago.

I am not going the “sponsor” route, as I want to be 100% sure of full time employment before I pack up and go.

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Baie welkom en baie sterkte met die pad wat voorle. Daar is baie geleenthede in die mynbedryf hier (ek praat spesifiek Rio Tinto), so ek glo/hoop nie julle sal te veel sukkel met werk nie :ilikeit:

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Hi !!

No, my father was born in SA. They immigrated to Aus about 7 years ago.

I am not going the “sponsor” route, as I want to be 100% sure of full time employment before I pack up and go.

Pity that, I thought it may be an easy way. I know you don't want to go the sponsor route and this may sound rich coming from me but don't rule it out, there are many on this forum who had no other choice to go the sponsorship route, yes it's stressful and 10 times more hard work to get to the final destination of citizenship but if that's the only way you have out then you need to be open to it. My personal experience on this journey has taught me that nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is a certainty, we have had to change the way we think and approach this journey. It's tough emotionally and brings things out of the closet that you least expect. You need to be strong and approach this daunting but exciting task from all angels and give every situation a good look and investigate every possible option.

Good luck with the process and the journey that follows, you've truly found an awesome family here and a whole bunch of people willing to give good advice and support you through this endeavour. I really hope you find a way to make this happen for you and your hubby.

Edited by HadEnoughofJuju
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Ja I have to agree, it would have made things sooo much easier and I am 101% sure that I would be in Esperance now on a weekend break if that were the case :cry:

Like I've mentioned, I work for a Gold mining company, one of the bigger ones and I've even tried through them to get work in Aus and that didn't work!!

I appreciate your advise and I am definitely going to take it to heart.

You are spot-on!! One thing I have noticed is that this is most certainly a family and the advice given here is stunning.

Thank you for the well wishes and the help. I truly need all I can get.

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Welkom by SAAustralia Zurica! Bly jy het ons "ontdek". Jy is nou deel van die familie. Maak gerus gebruik van die soekfasiliteit, baie van jou vrae is waarskynlik al gevra én beantwoord. Maar onthou daar's nooit 'n swak vraag nie - as jy twyfel, VRA. Ons gemeenskap het baie vrywilligers wat alte graag sal help waar nodig. Sterkte met die immigrasie-oefening!

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