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Hi everyone,

I've been lurking around lately as my hubby and I have finally decided to move to Aus. We would like to apply for PR and we hope to go over on my hubby's sponsorship as his occupation is under Australian Skills Recognition list.

We have just applied for unabridged birth and marriage certificates this week (my son's 4 months ago and still waiting) and I am hoping you could assist by answering a few of my queries?

Can we apply for a Skilled Independent (subclass 189) visa? Is that the visa that includes the medical and covers school fees?

My hubby has an Australian degree is he still required to do the IELTS?

Will I be required to do an IELTS?

The plan is to obtain PR and then go over on holiday to activate the visa and relocate within approximately 4-5 years. Will that be possible?

Once the PR is activated do you have 3 months to write the learners and the driving license test?


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Can we apply for a Skilled Independent (subclass 189) visa? Is that the visa that includes the medical and covers school fees?

If your husbands occupation is in demand, you should be able to get a 189. Just remember that you still have to make up at least 60 points on the points system, so just having the right qualification isn't the only thing to consider

My hubby has an Australian degree is he still required to do the IELTS?

If you can prove that your degree was obtained in English you don't have to write IELTS. The IELTS is also good for getting more points, e.g. scoring 8 and higher in all the categories.

Will I be required to do an IELTS?

Once again, if you can somehow prove that you have English proficiency (degree or school in english), this is fine

The plan is to obtain PR and then go over on holiday to activate the visa and relocate within approximately 4-5 years. Will that be possible?

It is possible, but note that you have to apply again after 5 years for a return visa (can't remember the name), and then you have to prove that you have been in Aus for most of the time. Since it takes 4 years of living in Aus before you can apply for citizenship, it might become a problem.

Once the PR is activated do you have 3 months to write the learners and the driving license test?

I'm still not sure about this one myself, I think it's 3 months after taking up permanent residency

Edited by Erik
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Welcome to the forum!

I have applied for a 189 and am awaiting the response.

This is a permanent visa and your hubby would not have to get a job before getting the visa, you are not limited to a specific city and as you are a perm resident, you will get all benefits even from the activation trip time (such as medical, access to schools etc)

IELTS gives you points, and you generally need this. Hubby may need to do it for points purposes. You would need to prove English otherwise there is a second fee to be paid at a later point (or thats my understanding)

Other benefit of a 189 is the cost, dependants are included in the visa cost as opposed to additional costs for the rest of the family.

As far as I know, you have 3 months from activation to convert the drivers, otherwise you need to start from scratch. I think it is a driving test and not a written one. They have a very different system regarding the drivers. I think that if you have to start from scratch (ie miss the 3 months period) you have a probation period which will mean that the driver cannot have any passengers (a bit difficult when there are children involved!)

best of luck and welcome

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Welcome to the forum and the application process!

If you are short on points another option is to apply for a 190 - This gives you the same rights and entitlement as the 189 however you will need state sponsorship and will have to reside in the state you applied to for 2 years. The state sponsorship offers you an additional 5 points.

Also another small point to note, your activation trip needs to be done within a year of receiving you PCC's, not a year from receiving you visa

Good luck, let us know if you need anything else

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Thanks so much for your replies, and good to know about the option of applying for a 190. We are planning to go through an agent in Aus, friend of a friend, but have only exchanged a few emails and haven't formally chatted as yet.

My hubby is a Paramedic so he could apply to work in one of the Ambo services and be sponsored through them but then who knows where he will land up being dispatched to live and work. I have been researching living on the gold coast as we have friends there, but would prefer to be in a city which has a similar climate and feel to Durbs by the sea ;)

We have been fortunate to have lived overseas for 10 years but now that we have a child, we will sacrifce a few luxuries in order for him to have a better future. Retiring in SA is sadly no longer an option, which is such a shame, as its cheap and beautiful!

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Hi Marhaba

Welcome to the forum and good luck with the rest of the process.

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