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Fasten your seatbelt


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Hello everyone,

My partner and I have just completed the first payment to the migration agent and, now that I have registered on the SAAustralia forum, it seems that our long talked about journey to Sydney has begun ... ** fastens seat-belt **.

I am a Senior Business Analyst and work for an IT consulting company. My partner is a tax lawyer. We are Cape Town based & have a wonderful life here and so it is with some trepidation that we take this on. :blush: One look at the house prices in Sydney and we wonder if we will ever be able to have the standard of living over there that we enjoy here. But my partner's brother and sister-in-law live in Sydney and so we are stepping out in faith and with optimism that we will be able to make a good lives for ourselves over there.

2013 is going to be a pretty hectic one for us both as not only are we going to be going through the application process but my partner will commence his conversion exams and I will be also studying. But I look forward to chatting further and perhaps getting to know some of you Capetonians over a cuppa sometime?



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Welcome to you both!

Yup, its a hectic year but Im sure it will be worth it for all of us!

Go where family is, with the knowledge that you can move at another time! I think having someone to go to is a very good start and certainly makes it less stressful.

Best of luck and smooth travels

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Hi Greg and welcome to this rollercoaster ride we call emigration. Good luck with the application process and I hope everything goes as close to plan as possible for you guys. And remember with hard work you can achieve anything no matter where you live.

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Welcome! I see you went with the same agents as HadEnoughofJuJu. :D Looking forward to your entertaining future posts.

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your comment about sydney house prices is spot on - very expensive and most dont end up with the big properties

like in RSA unless you go more inland (west) - but could be a good thing as no staff to maintain it other than yourselves lol

i look at the change as being.....

RSA = LifeStyle (big houses, pools etc) Aussie = WayOfLife (safety, beaches, parks, freedom etc)

good luck on your journey

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Welcome! I see you went with the same agents as HadEnoughofJuJu. :D Looking forward to your entertaining future posts.

Greggle you may want to PM HadEnoughofJuju who can give you some background on these agents

You might be in a cooling period and can pull out if you decide to or at least know what to watch out for

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Welcome! I see you went with the same agents as HadEnoughofJuJu. :D Looking forward to your entertaining future posts.


I don't see any mention of the agent's name. Did you see "SAAustralia forum" and think "ASA"?

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I don't see any mention of the agent's name. Did you see "SAAustralia forum" and think "ASA"?

In Greggle's signature.

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In Greggle's signature.

Sorry mate - I've turned off signatures - some of them were so overwhelming that I'd have to scroll forward twice to get to the next contribution - I only get about 60 lines per screen .... ;)

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Then you will be pleased to know that they have been restricted to 7 lines only. For the exact reason you mention.

Anyway back to the topic: Greggle we suggest you read HEOJJ's posts.

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Then you will be pleased to know that they have been restricted to 7 lines only. For the exact reason you mention.

Anyway back to the topic: Greggle we suggest you read HEOJJ's posts.

Ah, I hated the entire autobiography.

Absolutely agree, Greggie - read and learn .....

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Yes welcome and let's hope all our dreams of settling in Aus in 2013 come true. Shout if you need help although I am sure your agent will have it all covered.

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Thanks to Mr&MrsK, MisterMoose, HadenoughofJuju, Jordy, Oubassdik, Slabbert, Lynnie, ACTuality and Deroche for the warm welcome!

As for our migration agent ... well I guess that my cut and paste of HEOJJ's signature into my own caused all the confusion and panic! But fear not, we are not actually using ASA migration agents ... rather we have signed up with Hitchcock and Associates (who is seems a few here have used and have been happy with). I appreciate the concern and warnings however ... there's such a lot to this migration thing, some of which falls out of the ambit of the agent, so it's good to know that you're all around to help with those things! :)

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Welcome and best wishes on your new adventure.

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Glad to hear that's it was confusion and not reality that caused the panic.

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