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Hi guys & girls,

We went to visit family and friends in Aus this December. I must be honest, before the trip Aus was not on my list of countries to visit for a holiday, nor was emmigrating an option.

Well, after 3 weeks in Aus I must eat my words! Aus is a great country with so much to do!!

Plus, I realised that all is not well in SA and I doubt if it will change soon. Thus emmigrating became a very STRONG possibility.

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Welkom, en geluk met die wakker word slag ;)

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Hi Ryperd and welcome to the forum. We haven't had the privilege of visiting Australia yet but know that it has to offer a better life than the one we are currently living. Honestly you won't regret it and the journey (although very emotional at times) it's been worth it. Good luck with making the decision and shout if there is anything you want to know, there are tons of very helpful and friendly individuals on the forum.

Edited by HadEnoughofJuju
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Hallo Meneer en baie welkom! Dis n awesome forum die met baie mense wat enige tyd bereid is om jou uit te help :-)

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Welcome to the groupie

you will find all you need to know on here. Went to aus in april and it was just the best. We only spent time on the gold coast and it actually felt like we were home. . . without the paranoia

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Hi everyone!

I'm the perd's mary!!!! Married for a number of years and very excited about this new adventure! Looking forward to meet others going through this proses. Sounds like a rough ride ahead.

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Welcome Ryperd and Gingermary, trust this journey of yours will be a smooth one, without too many hiccups!

There are a lot of answers to your many questions on this forum, so ask away!

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Baie Welkom :ilikeit: :ilikeit: :ilikeit: Ons het nog nie vir een oomblik teruggekyk nie.... ons (en veral ons kids) kwaliteit van lewe is tonne beter - nee wag... ons het actually 'n lewe hier...

Baie sterkte met die reis wat voorle en laat waai as julle vrae het :ilikeit:

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Welkom maatjie!! Baie bly om jou ook hier te verwelkom. Julle kan klaar sien hoe vriendelik en hulpvaardig die mense hier is :-)

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Welcome Welcome! Our Search function is quite nifty and will answer most of your questions - just always check the date of the posts, especially as far as Visa info & costs, as much of it change all the time. Shout if you need help -it can be a bit daunting at times. :)

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Hi everyone!

I'm the perd's mary!!!! Married for a number of years and very excited about this new adventure! Looking forward to meet others going through this proses. Sounds like a rough ride ahead.

It might seem daunting in the beginning, but once you are there, I bet you will look back on this and laugh ;)

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