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Hi all

Just thought I'd say hi. This site is a wonderful knowledge resource and the energy from people on the forum is great for the jittery people like me waiting to take the plunge :)

The family is myself, wife and 2 boys, aged 5 and 6. Based in Cape Town, We're aiming for Sydney or Melbourne, I'm a software developer and this seems like the best places for my line of work.

We obtained a PR 175 visa in October 2012 and I'm applying for jobs remotely in the hope that something comes along. Have applied for a few on seek with no response but am starting in earnest for the new year. I've booked a one way ticket for myself to Sydney via IOM for early April in case I haven't found anything remotely by then, Family to follow in late May once I've got a job and rented a place, but it's going to be tight as they have to enter before the 6th of June, so I am hoping it's not going to take 8 weeks! :wacko:

It's really stepping out of my comfort zone to resign a good job and go but we've been planning this for years so nothing ventured nothing gained!



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Welcome Bernard and congrats on the good news. Exciting times indeed :)

I'm also in CT and also headed to Sydney - but not as soon as you are. As a matter of interest, could you share some more of your story, like where you're from, why you're leaving, how you decided on Aus, what you're expecting from your live down under, and so on.

Looking forward to following your journey!

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Wow, that was quick, thanks for the welcome Mistermoose!

We've lived in Cape Town most of our lives. Both me and my wife have lived overseas for short periods before we met but have enjoyed Cape Town tremendously. It's a lovely place with lovely people but it was only once we had kids that we started thinking of leaving as we took a longer term view of the country as a whole.

I was optimistic 10 years ago, but it's the usual story, a host of issues in country that haven't got better and i don't see it getting better in the near future. quality of education (for everyone, not just us), AA, potential state of country in 15 years when kids are grown up. Crime and the road carnage has also affected our relatives, great people have died for no good reason that I feel would have been less likely elsewhere. although of course this can still occur anywhere, it is about probabilities being less elsewhere. I see all of this symptoms of greed and a lack of care taking for human life.

At my age I have to also move now or never and we've had positive feedback from friends in Australia. We had briefly looked at Ireland years ago but then with the financial woes in the EU we scratched that option. Canada was too cold for my wife and I thought job opportunities were better in Australia than New Zealand.

In terms of what we're expecting from Oz, I think freedom for us and our kids, opportunity and safety mostly. After selling our house a few years ago we last year moved from a normal house in the suburbs to a house in an security estate and I was struck by how we didn't even realize how we were living like prisoners in our own home, it becomes the norm and you don't realize what you're missing.

Of course my fear is Oz could be a disaster, but then I will know at least that I tried my best and you only live once.

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Welcome Mountainman, may your journey go smoothly.

Have faith, seek continuously, and you shall find, that elusive job that you so desperately need! I know of someone who arrived end October, a sales and marketing professional, English/French speaking, but English with a slight French accent, who applied, applied, applied, but to no avail. Initially, he did not even get an interview. Had all the right things in place, Masters Degree, excellent experience, Aussie written CV, but still no joy. Then at he had a few interviews (and here we all advise that over the November to end January nothing happens), and lo and behold on the 3rd of January he was called and offered a great job. Perseverance is the name of the game.

If you do decide on Melbourne, if there is anything we can assist with, just PM me.

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Thanks Mara for the kind words, will see how things go over the next few months hopefully it's just the time year :)

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Welcome to you and your family

I am an IT project manager in Sydney and loving it!

TIPS for job searching in IT sector Sydney (based on my own experience)

Analyse the job ads that appear on SEEK or CAREERONE that fit your profile and you will notice a pattern

of about 5 top agencies that put out ads - jump on their websites and send in your resume directly

as well as applying for the actual jobs they advertise

Make sure your resume is in the aussie format and does not have any RSA phrases/slang eg if you say SA,

over here it means South Australia lol so little things could distract from your skills

The IT industry has taken strain over the last year with some of the big banks and telco's outsourcing development

to off shoring - so be prepared to take a contract to get your foot in the door and to get aussie experience on your resume

But all that said - I came over 5 years ago as a single mum with 3 sons and no job just faith faith and more faith

I found a job within a month and have not looked back - so hang in there it will happen as its meant to happen

good luck and keep us posted on your journey

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Hey Mountainman,

We all share the same concerns, there seem to be way to many what ifs at the stage we're at and way too few answers. One small comfort is that this particular forum is filled with great examples of people that at some stage travelled down the same path we currently find ourselves on and manage to make a success of their move!!

A number of people seem to be planning on moving around the middle of the year as well, so keep tabs on this site as I'm sure a lot of useful information relative to the great escape will be posted by those of us prepping to leave / already settling in (Not that there isn't a lot already)!!!

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Hey Mountainman

Welcome to the forum and congratulations on the 175, we have a 189 (same thing basically) and are also planning on moving in April. I have read many stories here both of going without work and landing jobs before arriving, as has been said faith and perseverance pays off. Good luck with the rest of the journey and move.

Edited by HadEnoughofJuju
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Welcome to the forum Mountainman!

This forum is filled with people that will be able to offer the best advice for any situation!

All the best with your plans - we hope that you will be sorted in due course!

Please keep us updated.

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welcome to the forum.....read some threads about people's reasons for leaving SA (ok RSA) and you will find we are all mostly in the same boat.

Hubby and I Love Cape Town.....have been to Aus and can see us living there :ilikeit:

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Hi Mountainman

We are also from Cape Town in the same boat as you. As you said, there are a lot of questions and what ifs, but as you said, nothing ventured, nothing gained. We just have to take a leap of faith for our kids and for us when we get old one day.

People laugh at me, but I take ALL possible senarios and ask myself do I want to be in RSA or in OZ when .......happens?. My answer stays the same. I'd rather be in OZ even though I do not know the country. Nothing is certain here anymore.

It seems as if the amount of Capetonians on the forum are increasing.

Let us know where abouts you are from, maybe we should arrange a get together

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Welcome! congrats on your progress so far! Am sure its the right move.

Best of luck

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