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Hi Everyone.

We are a family of three currently living in Port Elizabeth.

My wife works for Netcare as a unit manger for the trauma department, I am in the Corporate FMCG business and our daughter (7) attends Collegiate Juniour.

We have recently started to seriously consider moving - flights have been paid and confirmed for end March 2013 to Brisbane for 3 weeks. ( Want to check things out ).

This is all very new for us ( our travel experience consists of a trip to Mauritius on honeymoon... Thats it! )

Really could use some advise on process to enter Australia on my wifes nursing qualifications - What options are available? Are agents required? Do we register with NZ nursing council then proceed with Australian process ito searching for employment?

Done alot of work researching but really think advise from forum peers with similar interests will steer us in right direction.

Thaks All!

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Welcome to the forum. You'll find everything you need from archived/older posts and new answers to all your questions from the great community online. Best of luck with your LSD (look/see/discover) trip. Have you decided on Brisbane already? It may be a good idea to split your time (especially as you have 3 weeks) to include some other cities, to give you a fuller idea of your options. Keep us all posted :)

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as an allied healthcare colleague, I can assure you that nurses are required in Oz, and there is no reason that she would not get work, I think nurses are on the scarce skills list too. I dont know much about your profession though.

Both of you will have to get your skills assessed as part of the process, so start collecting documents (university transcripts, proof of registration with HPCSA etc). You will also both need to have your english assessed and this will need to be booked as soon as you have made THE decision to go!

Look at SkillSelect on the Oz Immigration website regarding your options for skilled immigration.

Brisbane is an awesome city ( I visited there a few years ago) and thats where we are headed too!!

Consider going straight to Oz, its not necessary to go through NZ.

I have done the process myself, no need for an agent unless you have a complicated situation (eg complex medical problems etc). The process is well explained so I dont think that an agent is essential, you are told what documents you need, and then you do the legwork to get it in.

Best of luck and enjoy the support of this site!


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Hi BCK and welcome to the forum, this is truly a place of many treasures and gems in the emigration process.

I suggest that you start collecting all the documentation that won't change like un-abridged birth certificates for the whole family as well as un-abridged marriage certificate. Get as much evidence of work history as you can and get anything that is not in english translated.

If you have all the paperwork together before you put in your EOI (expression of interest) and you won't have to run around like a mad thing when you get the invitation.

Be careful with agents, if you don't have any issues with work history or any medical issues the you can (with the help of all the awesome people on this forum) generally do this process yourself from start to finish. This is a bumpy ride and can get rather emotional at times but stick it out, you won't regret the decision. Australia is not all sunshine and roses (we have yet to see the country) but I am sure that it is darn sight better than where we are at the moment.

Good luck with the rest of the process and shout if there is anything that you need help with.

P.S. Book and do your IELTS as soon as you can, depending on where you are it could take a while before you get a booking.

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Welcome and congratulations on a very wise decision

Life will be different but in a good way

Good luck with the process and yes i agree with all above - if you dont have any complicating factors

then easy enough to go it yourself especially if your wife skill is on the skill shortage list

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Thanks for the feedback - Great sense of camraderie amongst forum members!

Applied for all the unabridged certificates.

Have confirmed date for IELTS.

Skill assesment ( Nurse ) - is this the process of registering with APHRA?

Do I also have to have a skill assesment? ( not much skill to assess so shouldnt be too complicated...)

So once skill assesment done then we complete EOI and wait for an invite? Right?

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Skill assesment ( Nurse ) - is this the process of registering with APHRA?

The skills assessment is merely to confirm that your South African qualifications are equivalent to that of the Australian system. You may only be able to apply for registration once you actually have the visa.
Do I also have to have a skill assesment? ( not much skill to assess so shouldnt be too complicated...)

That all depends on how many points you have, you can claim 5 extra points for a spouses skills assessment on the EOI. It will cost you extra but may also be worth it in the long run. If you you have enough points (I would say 70 or more) without it then it's up to you.

So once skill assessment done then we complete EOI and wait for an invite? Right?

You will also need the IELTS Test Report Form number, which you will only get once you get the results, for the main applicant buts that's pretty much it. Edited by HadEnoughofJuju
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