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Constant: Fouries van Randburg


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Ek is Constant - my vrou is Welda. Ons het vier kinders (10, 8, 6& 4)

Ek het 'n redelike goeie moontlikheid van 'n werksaanbod in Sydney.

Vir myself sal ek nie maklik oorgaan nie - ons het 'n goeie lewe hier... maar as ons dink aan die kinders en wat hulle toekoms is en mens kyk na die nuus hooftrekke elke dag - dan moet 'n mens weer dink. Dit is nie soseer die beste vir hulle vandag nie - maar oor 10 jaar....?

Hierdie is in elk geval my eerste en laaste geleentheid na Australië (ek is 43)

Die mense (Foxtel) lyk redelik geïnteresseerd - my CV was net 'n dag by hulle toe vra hulle 'n kopie van my huidige salarisstrokie. Hulle het aangedui dat hulle my sal laat weet voor paasfees.

Ek het heelwat navorsing gedoen t.o.v. kostes ens., en ek weet dat al kry ek my huidige salaris ons heelwat minder sal hê om maandeliks mee oor die weg te kom - veral as mens 'n huis wil koop.

Ek is bekommerd oor hoe maklik kinders daar aanpas - enigiemand wat my bietjie kan vertel oor hoe dit met hulle kinders daar gaan?

Intussen beplan ek om saam met Welda te kom kyk hoe lyk dit in Sydney. Lyk na eerste week in Mei. Foxtel is in die noordelike gedeelte ("North Ryde") Ek wil graag kom sien hoe lyk dit daar en in die "Hills"

Kan julle my asseblief 'n aanbeveling gee van waar 'n goeie plek sal wees om te bly gedurende ons besoek sodat ons die areas daar rond so bietjie beter kan ervaar?

Die besoek sal waarskynlik ons besluit om te gaan of bly bepaal. (Dis nou as die aanbod wel deurkom)

Mooi bly intussen - en dankie by voorbaat


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Hello Constant,

I hope you don't mind me responding in English - my Afrikaans has never been much good!

The Hills is a great family area - and also very convenient to North Ryde, so it would be a good choice of area. I live in a suburb in the Hills called Cherrybrook and am very happy there. Lots of parks, sports facilities and good schools. I have 2 children who were aged 10 and 12 when we moved. They settled in almost immediately and have never looked back. My sister moved here a month ago and her kids (ages 12 and 16) also adapted immediately and are really happy here. I have found that the Australians (including the school kids) are so used to migrants in their midst that they are very accomodating and tolerant, and go out of their way to make sure that do what they can to help you to integrate. They are a fiercly proud people and I think it touches them that others would give up so much to come and live in their beautiful country. That's my experience, anyway - there are probably some exceptions, as there always are.

Good luck with the Foxtel job and with the decision. Please use this forum to help - it is a fantastic source of information and support.



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HI Constant

Ons bly ook in die Hills area, spesifiek Cherrybrook.

Ons dogter is ook in die skool hier en het sommer baie goed aangepas. Jy sal sien dat dit vir jou baie moeiliker gaan wees as vir jou kinders.



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Thanks Ajay and Roef!

Seems I should be more worried about myself and my wife then...

Property in Cherrybrook just seem very expensive, otherwise I agree - it seems perfect.

Booked our tickets today - we're flying end April. :D

Any recommendations on a close-by place to stay (e.g. bed-n-breakfast) during our visit?

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Ek is nou 10 Maande hier, (ons bly nou nie in Perth nie maar klein dorpie) my meisiekind het die eerste dag aangepas (13) jaar oud- sy is meer deel van die skool as die asutralie kinders self, my seun (14) het weer vreeslik gesukkel - maar dit gaan elke dag beter.

So dit hang van die kind se persoonlikheid af - maar die skole is puik hier - en ek hoop regtig ons aansoek vir pr is suksel vol - dit is moeilik maar ons is regtig gelukkig hier en wil nie terug nie

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Dankie Sadface!

Ek begin elke dag sekerder raak van wat die keuse moet wees. Dis nou net dat die werksaanbod moet deurkom....

Ek sal julle laat weet wat gebeur.

Mooi bly intussen!

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Dankie Sadface!

Ek begin elke dag sekerder raak van wat die keuse moet wees. Dis nou net dat die werksaanbod moet deurkom....

Ek sal julle laat weet wat gebeur.

Mooi bly intussen!

Your children are so young they will adapt beautifully - my son who is now 22 just came back from a trip to SA to a friends 21st - he thanked us for bringing him here and told us we live in the best place on earth...

so as a parent...it makes you thankful that you did the right thing... 6 years ago we were like you and very comfortable, kids in private schools etc...it takes a few years to get back to where you were in a lot of cases...but when your kids make a comment like mine and thank you ...it makes it all worthwhile...

good luck


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Thanks Heather!

I have started getting all the paperwork ready (birth certificates, international recognition for qualification, etc.) I am reading a lot on Australia - and I must say I like it more and more.

We're coming on an LSD in May - but I think it will be more of a see-where-we-are-going-to-stay trip.

Besides - I love a challenge and starting over in most things may just be the thing to clear all the cobwebs away...

Thanks again for the re-assurance on the kids - it really does seem that they take it easier than the adults (in most cases anyway)

Keep a little space for us there - see you all soon!

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