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Hi everyone

We are a family of 5 who have recently decided to emigrate for various reasons. Crime, opportunities for our young children and just the general deterioration that seems to be picking up speed. I obtained a positive skills assessment and while I scored an overall 8.5 on my first IELTS, I missed an 8 on my writing by .5. I need the 20 points to qualify for the 190 visa so I have rewritten it. My occupation is only on the SA list.

These forums have been a great source of information. Thank you everyone for sharing your information and giving advice. I hope I can help others just as much!

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Welcome! All the best with this exciting journey :ilikeit:

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Hey snkc

Welcome to the forum and good luck with the rest of the process. I hope you get those 10 extra points the second time round.

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Congrats on making one of the best decisions of your life

The process is painfull but so worth it

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Welcom Snkc

Best wishes with all the paperwork and arrangements that awaits. You have made the right decision for you and your family.

Hope you get the marks that you require the second time round :)

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Hi and Welcome - IELTS is easier the second time around (most of us have been THERE :whome: ) Good luck!

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Hi SNKC, good luck with your process!

We're in a similar situation, also applying for a 190 with ACT SS (Marketing). Just did my EILTS, horrible test! Would be good if you can put your timeline in your signature as a reference for people looking for typical timeframes.

If you have any questions I can help with or you'd like some company for your misery just shout!


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Wow, thanks for all the welcome messages!

I have eventually received my second IELTS test results and got the dreaded 8 in writing :ilikeit: (L9, R8.5. W8, S9 = 8.5 overall) I had a bit of a panic attack at the time realising that I could actually apply now....I had even written the test a third time as I was worried I didn't get the 8 the second time round and I lose 10 points next year because of my age.

I will update my timeline once I have put all my dates together.

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Hey snkc

Congratulations on the good scores and good luck with the EOI and next round of invitations if you get it done before then. :ilikeit: :ilikeit: :ilikeit:

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