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Moving to Melbourne


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So, finally joined!

Been reading the forum for a while now, and boy it has been helping out!! so Thank You to you all

Got my 457 visa yesterday!!! Took 4 weeks, was sweating bullets at times, but really relieved I have the approval email now!

Off to Melbourne to start the new job on the 7th of Jan, so exciting yet stressful times ahead, have to have everything tied up before the 21st of Dec....nothing like a bit of pressure to get the blood flowing

Thanks again for all the info, its been great! I am sure a few questions will pop up along the way.



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(Almost) welcome to Melbourne, Trav!

Shout if you need help.

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Congrats!! We are all specialists in the bullet sweating department.

January is generally a very quiet month in the offices, so at least you can ease in once you arrive (having said that you will probably be the only one in the office and be hit with everything as you walk in).

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