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Hi from Centurion


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Hi Everyone

I have decided !!!

I am new to the forum and I find the forum extremely informative and helpful, thanks to all of you here on the forum. I am still in the process of gathering documents for the skillselect phase, so its still early days fo me. My husband is has decided to go the state sponsorship route for NSW. Anybody have any advice ? How long is the process ?

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We're also in Centurion. If you PM me or hubby (HadEnoughOfJuju) we'll answer whatever questions we can.

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Hey Clover

Welcome to the forum and good luck with the process and ditto what OnYellowBrickRd said. :ilikeit:

Edited by HadEnoughofJuju
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Hi Clover

Welcome to the forum and congradulations with your big decision :D

Anybody please correct me if I am wrong but from what I have read, and heard the time the whole process takes can be anything from 6-18months... you will need to get your skills assessed before you can apply for a State Sponsorship and/or lodge an EOI, and the turn around time differs from assessing body to body, for example, my husband is in I.T and his skills assessment was recently completed within 5 weeks. You will also need to write the IELTS test to prove your English abilities for the State Sponsorship and/or EOI application. We started the process in September and will finally be able to lodge our EOI by the end of the month, just waiting for our IELTS results, jippie!!

Best wishes for the adventure that lies ahead...

Edited by Tisha
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