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Glenda: Introduction


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Hi All, I've never been to good at introductions but here goes...

We're a family of 4 (Mom, Dad and 2 sons) presently living in Durban. My hubby Derrick (who's originally born and bred in Boksburg) and I have been considering immigration for some years now. Initally we considered immigration to New Zealand, but for various reasons have now made the decision to immigrate to Australia.

We have 2 EXTREEMLY sporty boys of 13yrs (Angus) and 11yrs old (Liam), and our lives seem to revolve around them. We seem to be forever couriering them to their various sports... cricket, rugby, hockey, athletics, swimming and the list goes on. The boys and their future are one of the reasons for our decision to make the move.

Derrick (who's an electrician) has been offered a job in Albany,WA and at the moment, we're just waiting for the 457 visa to be approved. Everything at this stage is being handled by his new employer and if the timing they've given us of 5-7 weeks is accurate, we're hoping to have the visa's finalized by the end of this month and a date set for the plane tickets. The company Derrick is going to be employed by has requested that he (Derrick) come over for 3 months before the family follow, we're hoping though that we can come over sooner as it's tough on the family to be seperated and especially for the boys who are very close to their dad. I'll be making use of this time to finalize the sale of our property and tying up any loose ends.

We're all very excited about coming across and making a new life in what we've been led to believe is a small farming community town. I've found this website to be extreemly helpful and I've read quite a couple of forums and have read some disturbing comments in some forums/surveys. I do however believe there's pro's and con's in every country and leaving SA is not a decision to be taken lightly, but if undertaken you must feel 100% certain that this is what you want to do and that its best decision for the whole family.

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Congrats Glenda to you and your family !!! Make a success out of it. We applied for the 136PR Visa and have lodged in September 2006. Might be going over on a workers visa in the meantime as the PR Visa seems to take forever !!

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WELCOME!! Congrats on the job offer and good luck with the 457 visa, sure it will all go well.

I am just a bit baffled

The company Derrick is going to be employed by has requested that he (Derrick) come over for 3 months before the family follow

Why do employers do this? Really? My husband got sponsored on 457 visa and I came on exact same flight as him to Aus. We did organise our own flights and accommodation as we don't want to owe them anything and just makes it easier as we had two beagles also coming later on.

Would love to know their reasoning behind it, cause if my hubby's employer told us that it would not go well with me and I would just come with him anyways and just sort our our own accommodation and things.



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Congrats...I came with the 4 kids a month before hubby!! Was a little stressful but the kids were about the same age as yours and wonderful with the adjustment. My boys are sporty as well.. be warned though the school sport is not like in SA - you will have to join clubs for cricket, rugby, soccer etc as that is where the serious sport is played.

Good luck


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Hi Glenda,

Welcome! I'm glad you found your way here and are finding the forum useful.

I also have 2 sons, aged 14 and 11 (coincidentally, my 11 year old is also Liam :) ) and we all moved to Sydney in late 2005. It has been a fantastic experience with all of us really happy to be here. My Liam is a sports fanatic and I battle to keep up with him, so I pity you having two of this ilk :whome: Fortunately, my older son only plays basketball (he's just on 6ft now - turning 14 at the end of this month :P:o ), so that eases my burden somewhat.

On thew issue of the company's request - if they have sponsored all of you, as secondary applicants on your hubby's visa, they cannot put restrictions on when you can arrive, so don't feel obliged to work with their requirements on that front. If you want to join him immediately, then you do it!

Good luck and hang in there - you're about to embark on a rollercoaster ride of note! Your kids will thank you for it in the months to come!



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