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Hello everyone,

My name is Kyle and I am from Pretoria, I have recently joined the forum and find the discussions taking place to be extremely informative and helpful! Thank you to everyone that has posted all the advice, helpful hints and tips!

I am in the process of getting all my documents ready to have my qualification assessed, so that I can get started sooner rather than later with getting my additional courses that I need to qualify in Aus done. I am currently completing my articles, I have about 1 year till I am admitted as an Attorney.

As soon as I done with the above, I will then be starting all the necessary visa application processes.

Any advice on the assessment process and how any other Attorneys on the forum have gone about converting their South African Qualifications once they have had the, assessed will be highly appreciated!

thank you,

Kyle - PTA

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Welcome to the forum. Hope we can make your journey easier.

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@ Jordy, Thank you so much, there are so many forum members that are willing to help, it is so nice and reassuring to have such a helpful community to ask for advice, especially people that have gone through the process already!

@Gl!tter, Thank you so much, yes, I was able to open it. I have opened a lever arch file to gather all the info that I come across! The Legal Profession Admission Board's webiste is also fairly helpful for 'overseas practitioners'.

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Hi Kyle

Welcom and good luck.

Decide which State you want to be admitted in and make sure that you understand the relevant legal education council's requirements. They are all supposed to be applying the same criteria now, but there are still differences between states.

See the attached http://www.lawadmissions.vic.gov.au/docs/Uniform_Principles_February_2012.pdf which is the most recent set of guidelines applied in Victoria for overseas lawyers wanting to be admitted in Australia.

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Hi Sunnyskies,

Thank you,

From the information that I have come across in my research, it would seem as though there has been an attempt to standardise the criteria, but that each state has it's own separate requirements. For now, I have been looking at NSW, as this would seem to be the easiest route for a South African Attorney to take, but I am always open to looking at the other states and what they require.

thank you so much, I will give it a read at home this evening.

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Hi Kyle,

Welcome & good luck (unfortunately, I know nothing about the legal side but am sure that you will find heaps of other interesting tips on this forum.)

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My husband is an attorney. We decided years ago to make our move, but only recently got our act together.

Long story short, he did exams through a NSW university (apparently it is the easiest route) but as he just turned 45, we decided to go on my qualifications and on a 457 visa.

There are some other threads as well on law, all of the best. It seems you are much more prepared than we ever were.

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Hi there Kyle

Welcome to the forum and good luck with the rest of the process and getting your skills assessed. This forum is a truly awesome place with lots of very helpful people, all you need do is ask and someone (as OubaasDik would say) will be an expert.

I have opened a lever arch file...

I am already on arch lever file number 5 with all the paperwork that we have had to gather, copy, certify and submit and that for a teacher.

Edited by HadEnoughofJuju
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Hi Kyle - Good luck with the process. We've also just begun, seems like a long, expensive and daunting challenge but as they say - Nothing worth having ever came easy!

Living in the UK, it's the thought of braaiing 5 days a week in the sunshine again that's keeping me going:-)

Good luck and keep us posted


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Hey everyone,

thank you for the warm welcome! It is so nice to have such an amazing resource at our disposal! Thanks for all the links and tips that everyone has provided!

@HadEnoughofJuju, I can only imagine the amount of paperwork that is required to get ones qualification assessed and to apply for your Visa, but putting in the 'hard yards' will all be worth it in the end.

@elliemellie, if you don't mind me asking, which university did your husband go through and which subjects did he have to redo? Not so sure about the organised part, it is getting there, I'm just trying to start this journey with as much info as possible, I don't like being taken by surprise!

@Claudiodr, this is true, everything worthwhile attaining is not easy to achieve, but it is always sweet when it is achieved! I can only imagine, that cloudy, cold, rainy weather would certainly put me off the UK! Best of luck!

once again, thank you to everyone and good luck!


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Welcome and good luck. We found gathering all the documentation to be the biggest schlep. There after it's not so bad :)

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Hope aboard, buckle up and enjoy the roller coaster ride of starting the immigration process!

Wishing you a luck in document collection and speedy visa processing. :-)

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Welcome and good luck!!!

Pm JuanitaS - she will be able to shed some light for you via her hubby whose an attorney :ilikeit: :ilikeit: :ilikeit:

Edited by Lynnie
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