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john-gill: Melbourne, Doncaster East


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Hi all!

I thought it was about time I introduced my husband and myself -

John (my husband) and I (Gill) technically arrived in Melbourne in January 2007, although I came over a little earlier (October) last year to start getting things sorted out on this side.

We're from Cape Town (or originally from East London, in my case), and are now living in Doncaster East.

We're 31-37years old, and are 6 months pregnant :D . John works in the city (in sound engineering/events management) and I'm not working at the moment (marketing/sponsorship/relationship management) as I seem to be pretty unemployable with only 3 months before the eta of our first child! :(

That's about it. Hobbies include walking/hiking, geocaching (see www.geocaching.com), and that kind of thing. Loving Australia :D , although it's been no bed of roses finding our way obviously. But we know it's the right decision for our coming baby and are happy to be here.

Hope to catch up with loads of you at the next Melbourne get together. If anyone is keen on getting together in the meantime, we're keen.

All the best to any others who are in the same boat.

Take care,

Gill & John

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Hi John and Gill

Welcome to the forum.

Jill and I are on our way to Melbourne; dependent on the never-ending visa waiting time of course.

I'd really love to hear about your experiences settling in - really the things you love about it, the things you may miss from home and a little about Melbourne in general. We are still in Johannesburg and although I know a fair bit about Australia and Melbourne, at times it seems about as familiar as Mars.

Good luck and all the best,


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Good luck with your pregnancy, how have you found the healthcare to be?

I am now almost 9 and a half months pregnant, 38 weeks to be exact and are going for a ceasar on tuesday here in Pretoria at the Femina Clinic.

I am very emotional about this delivery as I say to my husband it may be my last, don't know if we will have more kids once we in Oz although my first born is only 17 months, so I will have 2 babies from Tuesday!

Anyway, good luck and please let us know how you are doing!


Edited by Tanja PTA/MELBOURNE
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