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Considering a move Northern NSW to Sydney!


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Hi guys,

Recently came across this site and think its great! Thanks for all the active members for making it so informative!

A bit about me:

A year ago my partner and I Moved to southern end of the Gold coast which is actually the far Northern end of NSW to be more specific. We also have a 7 month old baby girl.

I'm origionally from Cape Town and my partner is from here, having lived in London for many years we thought a quiter more peacful place might be the answer, little did I know it would be this quite around here lol

So this is what brings me to the Sydney topic! I've visited Sydney once during my time here and as some of the other members mentioned, it is the most like Cape Town. Apart from the Spur and a couple other South African resteraunts I'm not sure what it is. Maybe the atmosphere?? Are there even many cape tonians in Sydney??

The only bad points I know about it really is that rent is expensive and long term rentals are hard to secure... Maybe some other members can enlighten me on anything else that I will need to consider with a move down there?

Anyway I guess I am looking for something a bit more lively, perhaps with more of an SA culture aswel. Brisbane and the Gold Coast is not an option for me and Melbourne, Perth and Adelaide would be a bit too far away from the inlaws...

Any comments will be appreciated thanks :)

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Property & Rent is a shocker and travelling into the city by car or public ransport is a pain in the backside if you live in the suburbs. That's my only 2 "complaints"... (Been in Sydney since 2004 and LOVE it!)

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Hey Vman

Welcome to the forum. I here that you live in the place we have got our eyes on. OnYellowBrickRd (my wife) has already asked a "couple" of questions. So far it looks like we have found our destination and hopefully long term home.

I can't wait and hope that things happen faster than they are at the moment.

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