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Global warming protest in Canberra


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Thousands gathered to protest global warming today, saying it threatened their lives. Fortunately no violence.








Edited by OubaasDik
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Ps; Hoekom is jou "naam" OubaasDik???

I am so old I can remember when General Elecric was a corporal, when the Dead Sea was still critical and when dirt was invented - hence the "Oubaas" - In fact I can remember when air was clean and sex was dirty .....

My name is Richard, and I am "effens geset" hence Dick ---> Dik :grads: ..... end of lecture - there will be a test tomorrow.

Make sense? :)

Edited by OubaasDik
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I love your sense of humour, Oubaas Dik!

Thank you, thank you, I'm here all week, try the champagne ....... :P

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