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New guy from Pretoria


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Hi all,

I'm new here.

Biut more about myself, I'm 37, in the IT industry (Java/C# developer). I'm one of the sad commuters that drive from PTA to JHB every day, haha. Recently received my 175.

I've got family who emigrated to Auz a few years ago and they are very happy and settled.

Going for my L.S.D in December. My fiance is reluctant about Auz and I am hoping this trip will settle her fears. Visiting Perth, Melbourne and Sydney - Perth for family, Melbourne and Sydney because they seem like the best destinations for IT work.

My visa process was long and exhausting. I first tried to get a 176 but this did not work out. RPL, IELTS, issues with my medicals not being sent on from SA - luckily all resolved :ilikeit:

I am so happy after receiving the 175.

Been retrenched in SA once too many, tired of all the stress of the country - crime, threats of nationalisation, land expropriation, etc.

Hoping to learn a lot here

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Welcome. Enjoy the Forum... this is a nice internet family to have :ilikeit:

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Thank you to all for the wonderful warm welcome! Its really great being able to talk to people about this - few of my family and friends understand this move or the stress associated with making this decision and it feels quite lonely at times


I am flying on the 16th of Dec, Perth, then Melbourne and finally Sydney

Are you guys only doing Sydney or have you got other stops planned?

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Sydney 3 to 9 Dec

Brisbane 9 to 16 Dec

Gold Coast 16 to 23 Dec

Perth 23 to 30 Dec

Centurion 31 Dec unfortunately.

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Sounds like you have a wonderful trip planned - enjoy!

I wish I could take more time to do the LSD but unfortunately I can't

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Baie welkom!! Hoop julle raak verlief op Australia, dit is verseker die moeite werd om te kom al is dit nie maklik nie :ilikeit: :ilikeit: :ilikeit:

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Hi there

Welcome to the forum and congratulations on the 175 grant. Good luck with the rest of the process and the move to Australia.

I'm with you on the being re-trenched one too many times and crime things, I don't see much of a future worth having in this country.

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Hi w777!

Welkom by die forum en in my opinie is Sydney die plek om te wees vir IT!! My ouers kuier by ons van 2-17 Des maar na dit is jle meer as welkom om by ons te kom oorslaap of iewers te kry vir koffie/ bier ;)

Wie weet, dalk gaan jy huis toe met 'n werk :) :)

Stuur vir my 'n PM as jy so iets wil reel, sal lekker wees om julle te ontmoet.



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Dankie weereens aan almal vir die wonderlike warm verwelkoming wat ek hier kry, dis regtig amazing.

Dankie AAAZR :), ek sal jou 'n boodskap stuur - dalk kan ons met julle koffie gaan drink. Ons het gelukkig klaar verblyf in al die stede - maar regtig baie dankie vir jou gasvryheid. Ons is in Sydney van die 24ste - 28ste Des


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