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Todays lesson to learn

Johan Venter

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A lesson in irony...

The Food Bank Program, administered by Social Welfare

Canada, is actually proud of the fact it is distributing the

greatest amount of free meals and food vouchers ever!

Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the Canada

Parks and Natural Resources, asks us to "Please Do Not Feed the

Animals." Their stated reason for the policy is because the animals

will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of


This ends today's lesson!

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I must be a recalcitrant student :oops: My take home message from that joke was even awesome countries like Canada have silly right wingers who are insensitive to poor people :grads: Did I pass or will I get the "it was just a joke" you serious plonker fail stamp ? :P

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I must be a recalcitrant student :oops: My take home message from that joke was even awesome countries like Canada have silly right wingers who are insensitive to poor people :grads: Did I pass or will I get the "it was just a joke" you serious plonker fail stamp ? :P

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day, teach him how to fish and you will feed him for a lifetime (and my for my own part: give him religion and he'll starve praying for fish :whome: )

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Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day, teach him how to fish and you will feed him for a lifetime (and my for my own part: give him religion and he'll starve praying for fish :whome: )

Kind of like this maybe ? :P

"In addition, the people who turn to food banks often need other types of assistance. Food banks have responded and many now provide advocacy and supports such as:

  • providing skills training such as food preparation skills,
  • helping people to search for jobs and transition into employment,
  • raising community awareness about hunger and poverty,
  • assisting with the search for safe, affordable housing,
  • helping people find good quality, affordable child care,
  • providing referrals to other social agencies and support services."

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Kind of like this maybe ? :P

"In addition, the people who turn to food banks often need other types of assistance. Food banks have responded and many now provide advocacy and supports such as:

  • providing skills training such as food preparation skills,
  • helping people to search for jobs and transition into employment,
  • raising community awareness about hunger and poverty,
  • assisting with the search for safe, affordable housing,
  • helping people find good quality, affordable child care,
  • providing referrals to other social agencies and support services."

I'm guessing these aren't working too well if they are bragging that they are giving out more food than ever.

Don't get me wrong, I think there is a place for these organisations, but inadvertently they do just as much harm as good (ala the road to hell being paved with good intentions and all that)

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Got to agree with teaching men to fish instead of encouraging them to continue standing on the street corners by giving them handouts.

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I'm guessing these aren't working too well if they are bragging that they are giving out more food than ever.

Don't get me wrong, I think there is a place for these organisations, but inadvertently they do just as much harm as good (ala the road to hell being paved with good intentions and all that)

Exactly, some balance. They do a lot of good and some take advantage. I'm guessing the 'bragging' is a device used by the author to lead the reader by the nose up the alley of one sided beliefs.

It is a national volunteer organisation whose goal is to meet the short-term need for food (including 38% children, 7% retired, 13% disabled, 10% aboriginal) while finding long term solutions to hunger in Canada to reduce the need for food handouts. Foodbank "are" the organisation lobbying government to provide long term solutions to the problems they see repeated over and over in the community.

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