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Hello Oz...Goodbye Marikana


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Hi All.

Thank-you for all your efforts with this forum, it really is a fantastic source of information.

My husband and I are only starting our journey now, and are really excited at the prospects of a life in Oz. We have seen 2 agents last week but decided to try this on our own, hopefully with a little help and advise from everyone.

We live in Rustenburg and have been married for 5 years. I am 27 years old, and my hubby 31. We also have a 8 month old baby girl. In 2006 we were involved in a armed robbery at our home, tied up and held hostage for 2 hours while our home was sansacked, but God protected us and defussed the situation. It would be great not to look over your shoulder constantly, and lock yourself in your bedroom every night. Not even to mention all Oz has to offer.

We have started getting all our docs together to submit to ACS next week for my hubby's qualification assessment. He is a Snr Analyst Programmer. We will either be lodging our EOI for visa 189 or 190, depending on our points assesment and will both be attempting the IETSL test on 8 Nov 2012. I heard there is a workshop that one could attend, is it advised or could we just study the material on the website?

Well that is us in a nutshell. Can't wait to start out on this adventure!

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First step in the right direction.

IELTS is very nerve wrecking, I won't lie. Hubby did it 4 times and myself twice before we got the desired 8 average.

There's a book you can use, "Ace the IELTS".

It's fantastic, if you work through it and do some exercises you should be fine.

Good luck !!!!!!!!!!

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Hi, we also came from Rustenburg. Been in Brisbane Springfield Lakes now almost a month. I am still amazed everyday at everything I see. Words cannot discribe the change in live and general feeling I have here. If you have kids even better, they are the reason we moved here. First time ever I have to ask my son to put his home work down and sleep LOL. Hope all goes well for you.

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Hi Welcome

I don't think you need to attend the workshop; we used the study material that they gave us. And we did a lot of exercises on the website.

Good luck.

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Thanks all :D So excited about our decision, now to get all done, and then the BIG wait starts I guess.

@ Woef, will see if I can find the book you talked about...

@ Yolred, thanx for the advice, will also go through the excerises on the website...

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Pm me your email address and I'll email you a book we used for the IELTS that helped a lot!

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Hi - welcome to this forum. You will find it very helpful with tips and advice along the way. This is an incredible journey which will test your patience and commitment. Stay focused on the end result...and enjoy it. Before long you will be reminiscing about this adventure...

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We should all send emails to DIAC

Currently they allocate accordingly:

IELTS - Points

6.0 - 0

7.0 - 10

8.0 - 20

Sometimes all you need is just 5 points and you keep getting a 7.5 on IELTS

So in theory they could scale it better

6.0 - 0

6.5 - 5

7.0 - 10

7.5 - 15

8.0 - 20

8.5 - 25

9.0 - 30

This would then be similar to the age difference in 5 point brackets and not 10 points for every 10 years.

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Hi Tisha

Welcome to the forum and yes this is a wonderful place full of information and people that care as well as understand and support our reasons for leaving this place. If you go through all the material you received from the IELTS people and do the exercises on the site you should be fine. Just don't underestimate the difficulty of the tests. I have heard of people who's first language is English struggling with the test, just keep your wits about you stay calm and focus on the task at hand. Don't let your future plans and dreams cloud your thoughts on the day of the test. Congratulations on making this very big decision and know that no matter what other reasons you may have the future of you kids is probably the most important one. Good luck with the journey and don't be afraid to ask questions. The only dumb question is one that is never asked.

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