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Hi Everyone

I'm new here. Just want to introduce myself....

I'm Dee. My husband and I have started to process of trying to move to Australia. It is daunting to say the least, but my heart is already over there.

But that's all from my side for now.

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Welcome to te forum and good luck with everything!

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Welcome to the forum and good luck with the journey.

Just make sure the agent you are using is MARA registered and just search this forum to check if they have a good reputation or not.

Many people have had bad experiences with some agents.

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Hi there MrsvW

Welcome to the forum and good luck with the rest of this long, exhausting but exciting journey.

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Welcome and best of luck with your journey. It will all be worth it in the end.

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Thank you everyone!

@Lisle - we will unfortunately not be able to attend on the 6th because of a wedding.

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