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Hi all,

New member. Just discovered this site, and wish I had 10 years ago. It would have made things a lot easier.

I've been in Oz since 2002 and have been a citizen for 2 whole years now.

Lived in Perth for the first 9 1/2 years and have moved to Canberra alone for work.

I will post about my expereinces a bit later.

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Welcome OubaasDik! It's always great to hear the experiences of those who have gone before us.

Edited by Bronwyn&Co
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Baie welkom!!! Wow, 10 jaar!!! Gaan jy ooit terug na SA om te gaan kuier?

Yup, twee keer- 2003 het ek nog tuis gevoel, maar 2009 was 'n nagmerrie. Ek het pas my PR gekry en elke nou en dan het ek my paspoort uitgehaal and die visa gesoen .... :)

Imagine me driving my rented golf along the N1 from Sandton to Heidelberg in the morning traffic, with the raod works for the world cup - Speed limit 100 - me doing 120 just so no-one would actually drive me off the road and cars racing past on both sides at at least 140. Yes, I was intimidated.

Wanted to kiss the ground back in Perth when I landed but people might have thought I was the Pope travelling incognito .... :)

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Welcome to the forum and I'm looking forward to reading your experiences.

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We are looking forward to your Canberra story.

We can't wait for Canberra.

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We are looking forward to your Canberra story.

We can't wait for Canberra.

Can't tell you too much about Canberra. That's all been plain sailing. My biggest problem here was the cost of accommodation. Diabolical!

What sort of visa are you coming to Canberra on? I ask because most work here is for the government, which means you have to be a citizen. A lot of the work requires a security clearance as well.

When getting here, you may want to try these people for furnished accommodation http://www.canberrafurnished.com.au/

I went with them - the place was ok, not great, but I wanted to leave early and they wanted to charge me more for leaving early than the extra 2 weeks would have cost.

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Hi Oubaas,

We are going for the SS visa 190 PR. I have a Gov position pending on obtaining a visa. I've noticed that Canberra's housing is very expensive. We are thinking of getting a 2 bed townhouse as a start- $500-600 p/w. I don't think I will be able to afford furnished accommodation. I am hoping that my new employer will offer some assistance with accommodation for the first 2 weeks.


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Hi Oubaas,

We are going for the SS visa 190 PR. I have a Gov position pending on obtaining a visa. I've noticed that Canberra's housing is very expensive. We are thinking of getting a 2 bed townhouse as a start- $500-600 p/w. I don't think I will be able to afford furnished accommodation. I am hoping that my new employer will offer some assistance with accommodation for the first 2 weeks.


Ah, great. If they're getting you over to do the job, you won't run into the "got to be a citizen" think.

The link was just for the first week or so. The place I found my hovel in is http://www.allhomes.com.au/ah/act/rent-residential

Paying $400 for a 2 bed, 1 garage townhouse, unfurnished.

Hope things go smoothly for you.

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