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Big Korn Bites


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Has anybody seen whether you can buy Big Korn Bite Chile and Lime chips anywhere in Perth? I have such a huge craving I will pay 50 bucks for a packet!! It is so unfair being pregnant and craving only things that are completely impossible to find.

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Hi Michelle ;)

Hope someone in Perth can help you SOON by pointing you in the right direction...I myself also love Big Korn bites (tomato is my favourite).

Good luck with the cravings!

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:lol::lol::lol: Kyk né ek moes maar nou net lekker lag ;)

Ons soek ook al hoe lank vir Big Corn Bites. Kry mens darem die gewone flavours darem in Aus? B)

Sterkte girl, smaak my dis jou eerste ordentlike craving en dan moet dit dit ook nog wees. :wacko:

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Hie hie hie..haai oe ek het amper al vergeet van big korn bites...oh my goodness hoe lus is ek nou vir daai BBQ een.....

Dammit nee...ek het dit nog nerens gesien nie...ek dink nie daar is in Oz nie.... ;)

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I have spotted the Fritos chips at the South African Esentials shop in Joondalup, but not sure about Big corn bites. They might be able to get some if you ask nicely :lol::wacko: . But it might take a bit to long to get here ;)B) . Good luck with the bub.


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*Sob* I checked out Satooz as well no big korn bites.. they used to have them but not any more. Bought some sweet chille and sour cream chips last night. Didn't help at all!! No fair. Think I can bribe Ajay to sneak some back into the country for me?

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Think I can bribe Ajay to sneak some back into the country for me?

Jy sal maar dan vinnig vir haar 'n PM moet stuur, sy vlieg al Sondag terug. Seker dat customs dit sal toelaat, so lank sy dit declare. :ilikeit:

Sterkte jong



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