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Hi there all! We are from Mpumalanga and just started with our 1st phase of our application- the TRA application(OVERWELMING!).

We would appreciate advise from anyone already living in Aus regarding the following:

As we read most of the topics it became clear to us that most people migrating to Aus has decided to do so permanently...Obviously that would be the case. But in our case we just want to go to Aus for +- 2yrs or so, save up some money and come back to SA with a bit of a cashflow advantage. We contacted a agent who advised us to rather apply for the "whole migration" instead of just working visas as the proses and costs is basically the same for both, but should we want to stay after working for a few yrs it wouldn't be a problem.

Must say we feel a bit unsure as this was never our intention but see the point, as he says most people never really want to come back so rather play it save. My husband is an Electrician by trade and is currently a Supervisor, I homeschool our 2 boys. Are we fooling ourselves by thinking that we would be able to go over to Aus and save some money while living there and then come back?

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Welcome to the forum I hope you find all the answers you are looking for.


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Hi there all!

We are busy with the 1st phase of our application- the TRA documents- and its overwhelming!

Our intention at 1st was to apply for a 2yr work permit as we just want to go over to Aus to save up some money and come back to SA with a cashflow advantage. After talking with a consultant he advised us to rather apply for the whole migration proses sothat in case we like living in Aus and don't want to came back to SA, we are covered. He also said that both take the same paperwork, time and cost?

Anyone living in Aus can please give some advise and comment on whether it is possible to save up some money while living there? I am an Electrician by trade, currently in a Supervisory position and my wife homeschools our 2 boys- aged 5 & 8.



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I reckon your consultant is pretty well on the ball with his / her outlook.

You'd be kicking yourself if you came to Australia, got a great job, lots of money, saw a house you liked, your wife made some good friends and the kids had playmates . . . . . and you had to kiss it all good-bye after 24 months!

I've always found it a wise policy of never burning my bridges on issues like this.

As an insurance policy, go for Permanent Residency, and if you still want to go back after 24 months, jump on a plane back to Jo'burg. No big deal.

If you like it and want to stay longer, there won't be the Immigration boys knocking at your front door.

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Personally I dont think Ozz will be the answer for you.

Have you looked at perhaps doing a two year stint in Dubai? A few trades people I know are there and coining it big time. The earn US Dollar, have their rent paid by their employer and pay zero income tax....

Please have a look as this option- I think you will save more money this way.

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Are we fooling ourselves by thinking that we would be able to go over to Aus and save some money while living there and then come back?

QG is right. If your objective is to go to Oz for only two years and then return with money saved up you need to carefully re-do your calculations! Have you factored in wages, living cost, relocation cost, plane tickets etc?

Should you be in the fortunate position to get most of those covered by an employer it would obivously put a whole different spin on it.

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I reckon your consultant is pretty well on the ball with his / her outlook.

You'd be kicking yourself if you came to Australia, got a great job, lots of money, saw a house you liked, your wife made some good friends and the kids had playmates . . . . . and you had to kiss it all good-bye after 24 months!

I've always found it a wise policy of never burning my bridges on issues like this.

As an insurance policy, go for Permanent Residency, and if you still want to go back after 24 months, jump on a plane back to Jo'burg. No big deal.

If you like it and want to stay longer, there won't be the Immigration boys knocking at your front door.

Hi Bob

It surely makes us feel a bit more comfortable proceeding with the process after you put it like that. Would you also say that we are fooling ourselves by thinking we can save some money while living and working in Oz?

Personally I dont think Ozz will be the answer for you.

Have you looked at perhaps doing a two year stint in Dubai? A few trades people I know are there and coining it big time. The earn US Dollar, have their rent paid by their employer and pay zero income tax....

Please have a look as this option- I think you will save more money this way.

Thanks for the advise, will certainly look into it. Oz was the country with the most similarities to SA we could think of, considering climate ect. We don't want to split as a family and thought Oz would be the better choice for all of us.

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QG is right. If your objective is to go to Oz for only two years and then return with money saved up you need to carefully re-do your calculations! Have you factored in wages, living cost, relocation cost, plane tickets etc?

Should you be in the fortunate position to get most of those covered by an employer it would obivously put a whole different spin on it.


Thanks for the reply.

If possible, could you assist us with some of these calculations... What is the average wage for a tradesman(Electrician), what is the average living costs per month for a family of 4. We are willing to do with the basics as we already do that here. We were under the impression that trades people are in shortage and get good wages because of that? Thats why we thought if we get a good salary and keep our lifestyle basic we would be able to save? Why would it make such a difference if you are "sposored" by an employer?

Please be straight forward and to the point if we are under a misconception regarding this.

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No, you can save money in Australia, but you'd have to go to some out-of-the-way places to earn the $$$$$.

I spoke to a bloke who was an Auto-electician in Roxby Downs, the township next to Australia's . . . and the world's . . . biggest open-cut mine.

He was earning A$118 000 a year.

You have to put the hours in and, on top of that, you will pay income tax in Australia, but the township was safe, clean, new and friendly with a sunny climate for 360 days a years. I saw one of the best outdoor swimming pools I'd ever seen in that township, made especially for the kids and families.

The Middle East might be a better option to save the money as the expenses won't be as high with free rent, no tax, etc. but at the end of the day, you have to ask yourselves why are you going for the big $$$$$???

The Middle East offers no permanency.

Forget about putting your roots down there and watching your grand-children in years to come.

You are in . . . and later, you are out.

So . . . the Middle East is for a term in your life.

Australia can be for keeps (if you like it)

Your choice.

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Thanks for the speedy reply! We were not aware of the fact that Oz has "townships". Sorry, but in SA a township in most cases is a rural area with not much infrastructure ect. Surely that is not what you mean when refering to a township (next to Roxby Downs)?

Don't think the Middle East would be an option... or choice for us.

Thanks for a bit more clarity, we deffinetly have a more open minded view now.

Be blessed


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Have you considered Mozambique - a lot of the contractors get paid in US dollar - but the serious money is to be picked up in Angola. So if your idea is to get cash - I would have a look at opportunities in Africa. But for a balance in life I would choose OZ.

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We do not necessarily see Australia as a STEP UP financially. That was never really part of our consideration.... My opinion is that South Africa is still the land of milk and honey for entrepeneurs. Someone with the right business sense and the willingness to work in a war zone should do very good in South Africa. I work for a company which has grown by more than 1000% in the last 5-6 years. We would not have been able to do that in another country if you ask me. This fertile soil for making big bucks is also the reason for the huge discrepany in the income of the rich and the poor in South Africa - which is also its biggest problem. You have very rich people living in the same place as very poor people.

From what I understand from Australia is that the difference between rich and poor is less in Australia - but the poor are better cared for and the minimum wage are not too shabby. But the moment you start earning big bucks in Oz you also start paying much more tax.

Our consideration for moving to Australia is definitely a better QUALITY of life and not necessarily a better STANDARD OF WEALTH. We KNOW we are taking a step down financially. Here in SA we have a house on which we pay very little and which we own - but I am moving to Oz not knowing whether I will EVER be able to afford a house. But that is the choice I am making : I'd rather be average/poor in a rich country than rich in a poor country because our lives are too precious.

I really also think Oz is not the choice to make money to bring back to SA. You will only be setting yourself back in life a second time - and you will then be worse off than now.

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"I'd rather be average/poor in a rich country than rich in a poor country because our lives are too precious."

Well said mate !

Agree with you 100%Z


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Hi J&C,

If your aim is to save money in order to return to SA in a cash-richer position, there are literally hundreds more suitable countries to do it in - Australia has a high cost of living and I doubt if you would reach your goal this way. Perhaps you need to do a little more research on what options are available?



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Lots of people make good money in Africa . Now you have to ask yourself why? Just remember that Africa is not South-Africa and there will be a lot you will have to give up if you want to do it this way . Keep your options open and best of luck .


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