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Montessori Mom Looking For School


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My child is in a Montessori school at the moment. We love her school and I feel sick when I think we have to move from it. Is there any moms out there who have found a GREAT nursery school in Perth? How much do the schools charge and what is the rebate that one can claim from the government? We will be on a 176 Visa.

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There are no such things as " nursery schools" in Perth.

The Montessori schools are the only schools that have a program from the age of 3 , but it is a "school" as they go right throught to year 7 and there are 2 schools in Perth that go straight through to year 12.

Regarding government rebates , I am not sure that this applies as this is not a " daycare' it is school.

My kids are at the Montessori school in Kingsley, you have not stated how old your children are , so if you can advise the ages , I can advise the fees. The fees stucture varies from Pre-primary to Primary to Secondary to International baccalaureate.

Please note that the waiting lists at the Montessori schools are long, as they are the only schools that go from age 3.

Hope that helps



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Thanks Enrica. My children are 3,5 and 1 years old. What do they call it then, "daycare centres"? Are there any good ones around?

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Hi there, I can only add a little to what Enrica said, since my 3 year old also goes to the Montessori School in Kingsley :-) so far he's very happy there. There are at least 2 and I think as many as 4 Montessori schools in Perth, depending on where you will be staying. I do hear they can vary quite a bit. The other good one I know about is in Osborne Park called Chrysalis Montessori I have a colleague who's daughter started there recently and seems very happy, although that one only does primary school.

You may want to contact the schools from South Africa and perhaps they will consider putting your little on on a waiting list already, you never know.

Good luck with it, the more I learn about Montessori, the more I think it was a good decision to send our son there :-)

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There are a few Montessori schools

The Kingsley Montessori School

Tree Tops in Darlington

Both of these go through to high school

The Primary Schools are

Chrysallis Montessori In Glendalough

Banksia Montessori School they do from only 3-0 6 year olds

Beehive Montessori School in Mosman

Perth Montessori School in Burswood

Casa Mia Montessori School in Bassendean

Daycare Centers , as exactly that they care for your children from babies through to Kindy years

There is a link under education that has been pinned for the ages that kids go to school. Kindy is normallly around 4-5 years old, they go to school for either 4 mornings a week or 2 full days per week, depending on the school. Then pre-primary from 5-6 years . The ages are dependant on when they are born ie before june or after june.

RegardingI cannot give you any specific recommendations, most of the days care are really good, as they are very strict and regulated in Australia. They are also very expensive. At around $75.00 per child, you could qualify for a rebate , check the centrelink website.



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  • 3 months later...

A bit off topic, but I had a question about Montessori schools. Is it true that you are not allowed to carry your child or pick them up when you take or collect them from school? This may seem a bit random but my hairdresser was telling one of his colleages that the montessori school his child attends did not allow parents to pick up their kids and carry them to the car... This was just a bit weird (and unbelievable). blink.gif

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That just sounds weird! I've never come across that in South Africa and our daughters been in a Montessori school for 5 years... They do push for your child to be independent and to take responsibility for their actions BUT to not carry your child to the car - strange...

Just to add to the Montessori schools in Perth I went to visit Blue Gum Montessori near Bibra Lake and it's a great school well organised and happy kids (well the day I was there) and there are a few Saffer teachers (guides/facilitators as they like being called) even the Principal is South African! It was really strange walking into a Perth school and hearing all these Saffer accents :-) And we could apply via email to get the process started. The fees are pricey but I wouldn't blink twice because of the quality of education and life skills your child gets is priceless...

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Hi Riekie,

I have montessori schooled all my kids in SA and i have never heard of that concept. I have read extensively on Maria Montessori and her work and have never come across that.

What i have learnt and will bear in mind in Melbourne is that you get montessori schools AND montessori schools. They are not all the same and some schools just losely follow what they wish and others are far better. Its better to educate yourself on the montessori model and their approach to education, especially if its your first time as a montessori parent so that you know what to look for.

I would not do primary school at montessori but for day care they are beyond amazing and as a social worker i strongly believe in their approach to early childhood development. It really builds self esteem and good social skills.

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  • 3 weeks later...

What an absolute load of rubbish........I just love the way people suck stuff out of thin air. I am sure that the person how made this broad statement's kids ARE NOT at a Montessori School, so how can they make such a broad based statement.

Both my boys are Montessori kids from the age of 2 , and the eldest finished Year 12 last year at the Montessori in Kingsley , so I have had 16 years at 3 different Montessori schools , and never ever has this be a problem.

Montessori is an alternative education, and people are intimidated by what they dont know, and will make stupid comments like that.

Have no fear Montessori makes for amazing well balanced individuals, who are confident and well balanced

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I can only agree will Enrica! Our kids are in a Montessori School in Melbourne......and was in one in South Africa

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  • 2 weeks later...

The hairdresser's kid is in a Montessori school in Sydney and he had to collect the kid from school one day (mum usually does) and he was in trouble for picking up his kid to carry him to the car... This actually happened, so it's not a thumbsuck story. I found it a bit weird, thus my question. It may not be montessori policy but at this particular school, it was.

(It is not the policy of the catholic church to molest young boys, but yet, it happens all the time... So it is quite possible that some Montessori schools have their own way of doing things, such as not allowing parents to pick up their kids...) I wasn't asking to create a big fuss - I was asking because the topic of Montessori schools came up and I had this question in my mind since that conversation at the hairdresser, so I thought I'd ask. No harm done.

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Yeah, no harm done. Just thought I'd answer before everybody thinks it is a Montessori principle

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