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Janneman: Gegroet vanuit die VSA


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Hallo daar!

Ek's gesetel in die Noord-weste van Amerika, in Portland, Oregon.

I'm a member of SAUSA, your sister site in the USA. I've been in the States for just more than a year now - and it's not always been easy!

Vra maar die vragies, ons sal probeer help waar ons kan. Loer ook gerus in by SAUSA en SACanada. Die dinge roer daar!

I get the impression that many members here yearn for a decent forum, as opposed to so many of the others that have over time deteriorated into a boiling cauldron of nonsense. Be sure to note that the keepers of "our" three forums will not stand for any nonsense.

Jy word gou in die bek geruk as jy droogmaak. Die wese van hierdie forums is een van wedersydse respek, verdraagsaamheid, lekker "gesels", 'n inligtingsbron en ondersteuning.

Tot sover dan nou eers. :blink:

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Welkom Janneman! Dit is partykeer nodig om weer terug te gaan na die "drawing board" en hierdie forum is die gevolg daarvan. Ek hoop ons gaan nog lank en baie hier kuier!

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