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Finding Jobs In Perth


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We will be coming to Perth on a 456 visa in October since I am a midwife and will be doing a bridging course to get my registration. So once I finish the course, we hope that I will get a job and be able to convert the visa to a 457. My husband will be going across on my visa and hoping to go for job interviews with the view to starting a job obviously only when the visa is converted. Does anyone have any experience on how easy/difficult it might be for him to find a job? He is currently a production manager in bed manufacturing in SA but would be willing to do any kind of supervisory work, or even forklift driver, factory hand work at first.

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I am sure that he will find something if he is not fussy. He will need a forklift licence to operate a forklift.....as per usual in Australia, you need a licence to do everything.

Perhaps he can get his licence whilst he is waiting for his visa to be converted.... check out the website for Richards Mining Services , they are based in Joondalup, and they do those sort of licences.

Good Luck.

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Hi Lindajv

I would suggest that your husband keep an eye on Seek.com.au and apply for any (vaguely) suitable job advertised there - about a month and a half before he arrives in Perth. I would also suggest that he registers with a number of recruitment agencies (many who advertise on Seek.com.au). its important that he states in his application cover letter 'that he will be in Perth from .... to .... to discuss this further'. main thing is to set interviews/meetings up before he arrives as far as he can. may also be useful to contact companies in his field and even if they dont have particular jobs available, meet with them anyway - you never know what may come up in these discussions and its always better if he could meet with the people for an informal chat anyway. Its important to remember (i) that the job market is not what it used to be in Australia (as in the rest of the world) (ii) that it is likely to improve somewhat towards the end of the year (iii) that timeframes in which they usually want somebody to start with a job is quite quickly (dont expect them to wait 3 months for a person to start - its more like 'can you start tomorrow or next week or in 2 weeks time' (iv) that generally speaking jobs are more easily to come by in Aus than in SA especially if you are willing to do anything

Hope this helps.

All the best,


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Hi Lindajv

I would suggest that your husband keep an eye on Seek.com.au and apply for any (vaguely) suitable job advertised there - about a month and a half before he arrives in Perth. I would also suggest that he registers with a number of recruitment agencies (many who advertise on Seek.com.au). its important that he states in his application cover letter 'that he will be in Perth from .... to .... to discuss this further'. main thing is to set interviews/meetings up before he arrives as far as he can. may also be useful to contact companies in his field and even if they dont have particular jobs available, meet with them anyway - you never know what may come up in these discussions and its always better if he could meet with the people for an informal chat anyway. Its important to remember (i) that the job market is not what it used to be in Australia (as in the rest of the world) (ii) that it is likely to improve somewhat towards the end of the year (iii) that timeframes in which they usually want somebody to start with a job is quite quickly (dont expect them to wait 3 months for a person to start - its more like 'can you start tomorrow or next week or in 2 weeks time' (iv) that generally speaking jobs are more easily to come by in Aus than in SA especially if you are willing to do anything

Hope this helps.

All the best,


Hey all

Thanks for the replies :D

Yes like Linda said, I'm the factory manager for Sealy, Edblo and the rest. I "already have" an inteview with Sealy in Perth when I get there. I was told that I must be open minded and willing to take a step back in my job when I arrive there.

I have no problem with this and I think that starting at a supervisory level will give me the time to get to know "the way the Aussies work" Apparently quite different from what we are used to. Then I can work myself up from there again.

I see many many of the jobs offer training etc which I think is brilliant. It will also be nice to have a bit of a "pressure brake" for a year or so :D

I shop on Seek all the time so will definitely start applying to jobs as soon as we are a month or so away.

The forklift web site I will visit tomorrow, I have been driving forklift for 7 years with licence but it has expired. I did think of renewing it before we go over but will find out if it is worth while doing it here or rather wait till I land there.

Thanks again for the input.

Best Regards


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