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Urgent.construction Jobs In Perth


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Hi there,

Anyboby works or knows of jobs available for Construction Project Manager or Site Manager please let us know.We will be really greatful.Due to financial crisis,my hubby just got retranged(spelling!).

We keep on looking at seekcom.au and hoping to hear from Recruitment agents as we find them a bit useless...

Thank you so much!


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Thinking of you and I trust something will come his way shortly :)

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Sorry to hear that, well as you are aware by now, nothing where I worked, I have also been retrenched, and struggling to get a job......Good Luck...

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Shame Kathy,sorry to hear that...it was coming hey?Is the company still going?Or only Dave??

Yeah,life is up and down sometimes..

If I hear of something for you,I'll keep you posted.


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