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I need to get out!


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My name is Stephen, my wife is Illanah and our 8 month old son's name is Xaander. We would like to move to australia because we lived in the UK since Jan 2000 until Oct 2005 and we can't seem to adjust back to SA life. I love SA but except for the crime it seems like everyone out here is hell bent on making your life miserable, everything costs way more than what it's worth. The big corporations like the banks etc. makes billions in profits each year and never gives anything back (where does that money go?) wait, wait, wait, I did not come here to complain.

We will need some help from you guys when we get stuck, I hope you don't mind.

At the moment I am stuck right at the beginning, for some or other reason I can not print the application form :thumbdown: When I go on the immi web site it says done loading page on my computer but the screen is blank (I think it is because it is a pdf file, but I do have abode installed on my system??????)

Well this is our introduction

Smit Family

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Hi Stephen

About the trying to open the pdf file, try right click on the link and select 'Save Target As', then choose where you want to save the file, then click save and it should download the pdf to the folder that you selected, then you've got a copy on your hard drive and you can open it from there. Hopefully.

Anyway, all the best with your plans.


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Welcome and good luck.

You will find lots of awnsers on this site. It helped us a lot more than I thought it would in the begining.



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Hi Stephen

I had pretty much the same problem accessing the forms on adobe from my home computer. :(

I mailed the immi.gov website to my work email address with the relevant PDF files I needed and l downloaded the forms and printed them at work. :whome:B)

Afterwards, I found out that I maxed the total allowed internet usage for the month (?) and we had to ask for another 1G to see us through. (Not sure if the terminology is correct but you get my point I'm sure).

Oh well .....


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Hi Stephen,

Welcome to the forum - I'm sure that you'll find plenty of assistance and support here. Follow tommo's advice and save the form onto your local drive. Alternatively, send me a PM and give me your email address and I will gladly email one to you.

Have you given any thought as to the visa class that you are looking at? There are many, many ways to skin the old immigration cat, so maybe the best place to start is to just read through the various visa types on the Immi website. The most common are the 136 (Skilled Independant) and the 457 (Employer Sponsored).

Welcome again, and looking forward to seeing you around.



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Thanx for the advice. I saved it and then printed it.

(never thought of that)

I am looking at applying for the 136 because I have been doing carpentry since Jan 2000. Even though I do not have a diploma they should recognise it on work experience.



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Hi S. ek hoop jul kom reg ,veral met jul baba is dit maar moeilik om deur die dinge te gaan en SA toe sou ek nog minder toe wil gaan ons is nou 3maande hier in Perth en het juis hiernatoe gekom oor ons dogtertjie se veiligheid en n beter toekoms veral vir haar . Sterkte en hoop als verloop goed af vir jul . :blush: Ursula

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