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Anyone for coffee: Northern Suburbs


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Hi all. Thought I would throw this out there and see what response I get. My family and I moved to Australia three years ago although very new to Sydney - we have only been here for a month. The first three years were difficult although we did make some great friends. Now we have moved on again and would love to make the effort and get to meet some new people. I am 37 and my husband is 41. We have a six year old son who has recently started school and an older son who has finished school and currently having fun on a gap year before he starts his studies (we started early I know)! Anyway would love to meet up for coffee sometime. We found a great place in St. Ives called Eden - there seem to be a lot of South Africans who go there. Would love to hear from you.

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I'm up for a coffee. If you don't mind a one year old calling the shots :)

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Only been in Sydney just under 4 weeks. Living in St Ives. Happy to meet for coffee.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

So has anyone met up for coffee yet? We've been here for 3 years and I can't say I've met many South Africans.

Anyone living on the Northern Beaches or would like to meet up around Dee Why or Manly?

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Have you guys looked on the "SAAustralia" facebook page. you will find more people there


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  • 5 months later...

Only been in Sydney just under 4 weeks. Living in St Ives. Happy to meet for coffee.

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Hi there. Would love to meet up for coffee! St Ives (known as St Africa :D ) is perfect.

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Hi guys, please let me know if you're organising something. My hubby arrived in Sydney on Sunday and is all alone until we get there in a couple of weeks. I know he'd be keen to meet for coffee :ilikeit:

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Hi there,

This topic was started over a year ago and as far as I am aware nothing has happened to date. There has been a lot more activity on this post more recently. I have learnt that the way to meet around here is in the parks. I would like to suggest this for a Sat or Sunday afternoon in one of the beautiful parks in the near future. Who is keen? PM me or leave a message here, then we can set a date, place and time. Regards, Tracey

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