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PSA-make sure you are registered for the State Alert emergency weather and warnings


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This is a service provided by the WA gov to warn residents if any life threatening events in the area where they live. For example fires, tsunamis, chemical spills. If you have a land line/ cel phone you should automatically be signed up for it, but for cell phones, it relies on up to date info especially correct home addresses. You can go to this website and register your info including up to three addresses you would like to get info on, for example your children's school, place of work etc.


There is a similar warning systems for other states as well.


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This is a service provided by the WA gov to warn residents if any life threatening events in the area where they live. For example fires, tsunamis, chemical spills. If you have a land line/ cel phone you should automatically be signed up for it, but for cell phones, it relies on up to date info especially correct home addresses. You can go to this website and register your info including up to three addresses you would like to get info on, for example your children's school, place of work etc.


There is a similar warning systems for other states as well.


For some reason the page is not working anymore...

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