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New to Sydney


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Hello All,

Not new to the forum, but new to Sydney. Just wanted to introduce myself, my wife & son of 3yrs. We have been here almost 1 month. :D Feels a lot longer though. We have finally found a place in Bella Vista/Glenwood area close to the Norbrik T-Way. Looking to meet & get to know new friends in & around the area. I am working in the city, SunCorp building on George Street. Very keen golfer & football player - if there is ever a chance to play & you looking for someone, please give me a shout. :) Sports fanatic, love football, rugby, cricket, golf - any sport really. :blush:

Anyways, just wanted to say hello & that we have finally moved & settling in.

Hope you all having a great Australia Day. I've spent most of my afternoon in the jacuzzi with a beer. :holy:


PS - how often are events organised or something of the sort?

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Hi Steve

I've also just arrived in Sydney (landed 12 Jan) and found a house in Cherrybrook. My wife and 2 kids are arriving mid-Feb and we'll be moving into the new house on 15 Feb.

I'm a pretty crap golfer but will certainly give you a buzz at some stage, maybe have a drink or a braai or something - I'm pretty good at that.

We're obviously quite keen to get to know some people as well.

I'd say "welcome to Sydney" but I think you already feel more at home than I do!



Hello All,

Not new to the forum, but new to Sydney. Just wanted to introduce myself, my wife & son of 3yrs. We have been here almost 1 month. :D Feels a lot longer though. We have finally found a place in Bella Vista/Glenwood area close to the Norbrik T-Way. Looking to meet & get to know new friends in & around the area. I am working in the city, SunCorp building on George Street. Very keen golfer & football player - if there is ever a chance to play & you looking for someone, please give me a shout. :) Sports fanatic, love football, rugby, cricket, golf - any sport really. :blush:

Anyways, just wanted to say hello & that we have finally moved & settling in.

Hope you all having a great Australia Day. I've spent most of my afternoon in the jacuzzi with a beer. :holy:


PS - how often are events organised or something of the sort?

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Hey guys,

I'll be arriving in Sydney on the 21st March, maybe sooner if my job offer is finalized tomorrow.

Ill be coming over with my wife, daughter (7 months) and step son (9 years).

We also plan to stay in the Hills area and my friend living in the area already has a social football team setup.

We must all keep in touch.



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Sure, shout when you've arrived.

Hey guys,

I'll be arriving in Sydney on the 21st March, maybe sooner if my job offer is finalized tomorrow.

Ill be coming over with my wife, daughter (7 months) and step son (9 years).

We also plan to stay in the Hills area and my friend living in the area already has a social football team setup.

We must all keep in touch.



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Hey JDJoburg & Robbie,

Social football sounds good - do they need a keeper? My nickname was "Spiderman". :whome::ilikeit:

A braai sounds good - shall we organise when your family are over & settled a bit? Where you all working - in the city? Can do drinks before. There is also a group that get together once during a month for lunch. Hein is his name, whom I'm going to contact tomorrow & find out when the next one is. Also a dinner evening apparently! So sounds like things are going on - will find out and let you know.

Robbie, once the approval is given, it does not take to long. Have you got unabridged birth certificates for you kids?

Look forward to that beer.


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That sounds good, will let you know once we're settled, so probably late Feb / early March. I'm still employed by my SA employer for now (they did me a HUGE favour), so will be working from home until I find something here.

If you hear about any other get-togethers from your contact, please drop me a line.

Stay in touch and good luck settling in!

Hey JDJoburg & Robbie,

Social football sounds good - do they need a keeper? My nickname was "Spiderman". :whome::ilikeit:

A braai sounds good - shall we organise when your family are over & settled a bit? Where you all working - in the city? Can do drinks before. There is also a group that get together once during a month for lunch. Hein is his name, whom I'm going to contact tomorrow & find out when the next one is. Also a dinner evening apparently! So sounds like things are going on - will find out and let you know.

Robbie, once the approval is given, it does not take to long. Have you got unabridged birth certificates for you kids?

Look forward to that beer.


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Hey Steven,

Robbie, once the approval is given, it does not take to long. Have you got unabridged birth certificates for you kids?

Just wondering why my kids would need unabridged birth certificates? We all have Permanent Residency. Also, what takes long once approval is given?

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Apologies, was not aware you had PR. You won't need their certificates then. :)

If you have PR & are offered a job, I believe only the flight from SA to Oz will take long. Why are you not in Oz looking for work if you have PR already?

Everything else, once you here, is quick to setup. I opened a bank account from SA & when I arrived, took proof of identification & visa - sorted. They also organised me a credit card. Tax Number took a week to get, applied online. Believe this can only be done once you are in the country.

Let me know if you need anything else.


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Hey Steve,

I have PR already but will only be arriving in Sydney on the 21st March 2011. I just thought I would be proactive and start looking for work while still in Cape town with the intention of having a job for when I arrive.



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