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Saffers In Vic


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My family & i have been here for 2 months and we are finding it VERY exciting. We miss our family & friends, but see our future to be bright.

We are in the Ararat district and would like to be in touch with other South Africans.

We have had a lot of great advise from most comments on this Forum and i think it definately helped our move mentally, so there hasn't been to many surprises.

We miss our BILTONG!

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We in Point cook...pitty..just made a big batch of biltong and boought a whole rump at vic market for our next batch :thumbdown:

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Smalls, I am not sure if there would be issues about posting biltong interstate, but I know Springbok Delights has a online ordering section. http://springbokdelights.com.au/home.php You could email them from their website. I can wholeheartedly recommend them and especially their Hunters biltong.

Here is me still hoping they will reward my plugging with tins of guava. :thumbdown:

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We in Point cook...pitty..just made a big batch of biltong and boought a whole rump at vic market for our next batch :thumbdown:
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We are looking at making our own Biltong Dryer... Will let you know how it turns out, but in the meantime will try other options.

Will have a look at the site rozellem sent... Sounds great

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Man, I just checked out that website. I do think it is a great idea but I really hope Ausies make a lot of money.

My favourite beer is going to cost me +- R21.00 each. I had to go down to the fridge just to get one just to appreciate!

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Louwtjie, if the price of the beer gave you a near heart attack, then if you happen to be a smoker, do not check the price of cigarettes, that could send you over the edge completely!

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My family & i have been here for 2 months and we are finding it VERY exciting. We miss our family & friends, but see our future to be bright.

We are in the Ararat district and would like to be in touch with other South Africans.

We have had a lot of great advise from most comments on this Forum and i think it definately helped our move mentally, so there hasn't been to many surprises.

We miss our BILTONG!

Hi we live in Geelong it is about 180km from where you live and i can tell you there are a lot of saffers down here we are about 15 families just in geelong. You are welcome to contact me if you ever come down this way or if you want to know about any of the get togethers. It is about every second weekend. Nothing formal just a lekka braai (South african way) My email adress is stefan.heunis1@gmail.com.

The beer thing, i just battled to pay what they were charging here so i have started to brew my own and it works out to about 28 cents per beer and the tast is really good.

I've been here for just more than a year and absulutly loving every second.


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  • 7 months later...

We in Point cook...pitty..just made a big batch of biltong and boought a whole rump at vic market for our next batch :thumbdown:

Hi We are going to visit point cook next weekend to look at renting a house. Are you happy in the point cook area.

We need to be close to airport. Anybody else staying in point cook

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You have not said which airport you need to be close to, if it is Avalon, then Point Cook is great, however, if it is Tullamarine (Melbourne Airport) then you may want to look at Sunbury as well. I live in Sunbury and work around the corner from the airport, it is pretty convenient.

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Hi downunder...yes we are very happy in Point Cook..been here almost 2 years and have settled in nicely...My husband worked in airport west (practically next to the airport) for over a year and the commute wasnt bad at all..

There are quite a few south african families here ..zululand, krikie,lourika, sysie..to name a few..there are also a few that arnt members of the forum that Ive met while out and about...

I say come take a look..you have nothing to lose :)

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Hi Smalls

We are living in Ballarat, not to far from Ararat. You are welcome any time for a visit and a braai.


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  • 8 months later...

Hey Everyone, I'm a new user living in Pyramid Hill. I moved to Australia October 2005 but haven't met many South African around in this area. I have to say I love living in Australia and its nice to see that everyone else feels the same as me.

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Hello fellow biltong eaters-we have found that topside makes a better biltong here than rump??And have the perfect setup in our garage to dry our many many sticks using a small fan to keep the air circulating/ But beware don't share too much with your Ozzie friends......they keep coming back for more!

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Hi, we are living in Cape Town and waiting to make our move to Victoria this year - ASAP..its been a long wait and hopefully not too long now. Looking forward to meeting you ..

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There is a RSA shop in Hawthorn Road on the West of Melbourne which makes Dry wors and Biltong.

Lovely boerewors as well.

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