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Rentals with Pets - is this possible?


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We are moving to Adelaide early March. We are looking at living close to the CBD, Unley or similar. We have a very windgat yet well mannered cat who will be coming with. How on earth do I find rentals that will allow a pet? PS we are from the UK, so the caat will only endure 1 month quarranteen.

Any ideas?

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I rented in Melbourne, on two occasions and both times I had two cats. I just offered to have a clause inserted into my contract that if there was any damage done by the cats I would be liable to rectify it and that I would have all the house carpets professionally cleaned when I vacate the premises.

Never had a problem!

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I have 2 cats and a labrador here in our rental with us...

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We have two Jack Russels in our rental, so it is possible. It was not an easy task because a landlord would much rather have a tenant without an animal, so you have to be persistent and you might not get the perfect rental, but you will find something.

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