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Desperate! Family looking for work


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Hi Forum,

I have contact with a great family whom is at the moment in a terrible predicament. They have PR for Reagional Queensland so have to work in the area for at least 2 years.

The Husband is a Graduated Farmer but as you can immagine work in this field is hard to find. He has been working here and there but haven't worked in the past 6 weeks due to the rain.

It is Christmas in a few days time!! They don't have the funds to survive on let alone go on a forced holiday.

They left home to go do a bit of shopping, took one nights clothes and when they wanted to return home they couldn't get thru the flooded river. As it is at the moment they can't even go the the home they are renting due to the rain and flooding.

I am begging any one who might know of any work available even if it is driving trucks (he has a heavy duty licence) to contact me via PM. I will pass his details on to you.

If you find it in your heart to deposit some money into their account please PM me I have their bank details.

I know we can help this family. Please!

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I have been told before by other migrants that even if you r visa is for one area and you cannot find work, but you can find work somewhere else, the government will not force you to stay there. I am not sure of this, but have been told so. I know that if they do not have the funds moving is a bit difficult, but maybe is something to research.

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People who are allowed to move to where the work is normally have PR already. Unfortunately I believe the regional visa is not a permanent visa, and you need to work in a designated regional area to get PR.

This family is probably stuck living and working where they are, or another regional area perhaps?

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On a RSMS 119 visa ~ which is a PR visa for regional employer sponsored ~ you may change employers but are required to stay in a regional area.

Having said that I know people who moved from Regional to the city and had no come back from DIAC.

You are supposed to have stayed a 'reasonable' time with your employer who sponsored you, but DIAC are not unresasonable.


The question is not about whether or not they can work regionally or have PR but whether anyone can help them find employment somewhere in Regional Queensland (the terms of their visa) or if anyone can assist them financially or otherwise.

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Good point Eva.

I didn't see they have PR already, which might make things easier for them. There are different types of regional visas: employer sponsored, family sponsored, state sponsored, and some of these are provisional leading to PR, others are PR from the start - different rules apply to each. They may be able to approach DIAC to move elsewhere, if they find another job first.

(Edited to qualify comment)

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Nilo, if he has experience in the dairy cattle industry, perhaps I can ask my boss if he knows of anything.

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Thank you for your replies everyone, it shows concern, and they really need that.

Eva I believe your take on it is correct.

Mara I know his degree is with cattle and that he's also doen AI. So I suppose dairy would be good. If you could find out for them it will be great, thank you.

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Just to give you all an update. The family is trying to get back home via an alternate route. However it's much much further (about 8 hours drive) They are now taking advantage of this and he is giving in his CV where ever he can.

Thank you very much for every one that has PM'ed me for their banking details. I know it is truly appreciated.

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Hi Nilo,

Just wanted to find out how this family is doing? Did they get home? Any prospects for work?

I hope they had a good Christmas!


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Well, as this family is close family of mine, I'm giving a brief update on what I've heard from them a day or two ago. It's weird having one's own family suddenly on the short end of life, with ALL their belongings stuck amidst flooding and them driving around trying to find someplace to go, somewhere to do whatever.

Their three toddlers are all ill, they're on the road trying to reach their home, giving CV's wherever they can. His PR is regional. Shortly after he got the visa, his employer decided to let him go (great relief for them, the man is renowned in the area for his character). Up till the rain started, he worked everywhere in the area on contract, since the area's people came to know, like and trust him and the quality of his work.

He has a degree in Agriculture and various certificates related to his degree. He has heavy vehicle license and tickets for bobcat and some other kind of workhorse machine, I just can't remember what at the moment. He has had quite a few years feedlot experience in South Africa, now almost a year cattle ranch experience in Oz, as well as more than a year construction-related work also in Oz.

Now the rain has blocked their way back and they're stuck.

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I havent been on the forum for a while..... but is shocked to read this. They both are my cyber friends for about 2 years now. Thx for posting Nilo. I Inboxed them on FB.

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Latest update on the family:

They are still 'on the road', on a weekend stay-over in a caravan park in Rockhampton / Yeppoon. Kids are still not well, but under circumstances, they are better off than what they would have been being at their home in Arcadia Valley, as the whole valley is completely flooded, cattle dies, farm borders are indistinguishable and cattle roam wherever they find a yet not flooded spot. If they would have been home, it would have been worse, having no access to food, shops or work.

They are still on a job hunt all over. Contributions of well-doers (thank you every one who are donating !!) keeps them going and they are extremely thankful towards every benefactor and God, for all the care and help.

May God bless every giver and return your favor to this family in His own good time and manner.

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Latest update on the family:

They are still 'on the road', on a weekend stay-over in a caravan park in Rockhampton / Yeppoon. Kids are still not well, but under circumstances, they are better off than what they would have been being at their home in Arcadia Valley, as the whole valley is completely flooded, cattle dies, farm borders are indistinguishable and cattle roam wherever they find a yet not flooded spot. If they would have been home, it would have been worse, having no access to food, shops or work.

They are still on a job hunt all over. Contributions of well-doers (thank you every one who are donating !!) keeps them going and they are extremely thankful towards every benefactor and God, for all the care and help.

May God bless every giver and return your favor to this family in His own good time and manner.

Do they have access to the internet?

I sent them a PM with the contact details of someone who may have work for him.

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Spoke to them last night, they are in Yeppoon. Tried to get to hmmm I think Rockhampton but due to the flooding turned around. Went back to Yeppoon and got place at the same caravan park as the night before. Yesterday morning the owners moved them to a bigger and bettet Chalet so now at least the kids have more room to move and play. Poor little one's have been either stuck in a car or in a holiday cottage for the past few weeks not to mention that they got the dreaded Mouth hand and foot virus thats rife all over.

They are still in good spirits, Bless their Hearts!

As Alida mentioned they are handing out CV's as they go but with it being New Year and the terrible flooding things are very slow.

This family has been thru heaps in the past 2 years guys you will not believe if I told you all they have gone thru to just get a PR visa.

May 2011 be a blessed year for them, they seriously deserve it!

PS- Eva yes they do have internet access. At least they did not sure now with the floods.

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Tell them to get to Mount Isa in the west of Queensland.

When we came thro there, back in September, there were heaps of jobs going.

I strolled into a car parts shop to get an oil filter and a pack of diesel oil to change the oil in my 4WD. There was a sign hanging on the shop front window asking for shop assistants.

I must have seen three or four signs hanging in the shop front windows asking for workers. The hospital was taking staff on, when my wife spoke to a lady in the supermarket.

Also, there are big mines in the town and that is where some serious money can be earnt later on, but first is to get a regular pay check to keep their heads above water (excuse the pun!)

I shall send you my mobile phone number to pass on to them to see how I can help them get to Mt Isa.

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