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Need to get started!


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Hi Everybody. I am a Zimbo highjacking your SA Forum - hope nobody minds! :)

At the moment I am struggling to find a way into Aus. Although I qualify for the 175 skills wise I do not have any recent job experience (I am a teacher, but have been a stay at home mom for the last 2 years). Anyway just plugging away and hoping something will be meant to be.

I love reading all the 'happy endings' on this forum and realise that everybody started where I am now, so keeping the faith!

Any words of encouragment or reassurances that this will all be worth it are most welcome!

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May I be the first to say 'WELCOME' to our world!

We sincerely trust that you will find a way, and that in the not to distant future we can welcome you to our shores!

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[Hi ,

I too am a Zimbo with Zim teaching qualification teaching here in Adelaide. Please feel free to send me a pm. if there is anything I can help with!

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I got some very helpfull information from Stephen Dickson.

I found his details on this forum and he's been a great source of information.

They have offices in Cape Town and Melbourne

Cape Town: Phone +27 21 680 5320 Fax +27 086 558 2178

Melbourne: Phone +61 4 321 50323 Fax +61 3 8677 9917


Hope this helps.

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