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Perth and surrounds


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Hi Guys

I was "sorting" my photographs over the weekend and thought I'd put a few onto the forum, hope they give you an idea of WA. The photos were all taken in Sep/Oct - please pay special attention to the frost on the car windscreen, taken to prove to doubters that Perth was :) cold! This pic is dated 10 Oct


Our trip to Rotnest on a family member's boat - at least the sun was shining although the wind was really nasty.


The Quokkas are really sweet (the origin of the name of the island - the Dutch sailors thought they were large rats) but apparently the schoolies celebrating the end of exams are known to play Quokka Soccer - involves kicking quokkas around. Obscene.


We went to New Norcia for a night, "Australia's only Monastic town" (web site ) the hotel has communal bathrooms (one en suite which was already booked out!) and the rooms are quite small, but the place is clean and comfy and the food outstanding!


The following we day we popped up to the pinnacles - stunning


and passed this sign, makes a change from the "hijacking hotspot" signs we're used to.


Fun and relatively inexpensive was a day at Caversham's where we played with the koala's and kangaroos (but not the tazzy devils!)


The koalas are hysterical, they spend most of their lives asleep, and while we were watching a female woke up, starting climbing a pole but fell asleep five seconds into her climb!


Also spent time at some of the scenic forest areas, can't remember which one this was.


The overwhelming feeling whenever you are out walking is continual surprise that you can do this, go out into the bush, visit a park, walk a dog, ride a bike, stroll home from a restaurant at 10 o'clock at night. We had a picnic lunch at King's Park, took this picture from there


Thanx for sharing the memories...


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Hi Cindy

Really nice pics ;) Caversham is like 5 minutes drive from my place, kids really love it there. :o

I can't believe the frost...if I may ask in what area in Perth was that, sothat I can stay away there :D ? ( temp in different areas can vary) Frost is something we have never experienced in Perth :( thank heavens. :D

greeting from a cooler (until friday :) ) Perth



Edited by Lindy-Lee
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Hi Lindy-Lee

Took that photo in Rossmoyne, but I have to tell you that I froze the entire trip. Every photo of me is unrecognisable as I am that fat multi layered blimp shivering in the corner. I managed to wear shorts once (in three weeks) and most days wore a spencer, shirt, cardigan, jacket and shawl. At night this was augmented by a beanie and gloves. This was in 2005 and we had just had a really mild winter in SA so maybe I wasn't acclimatised, but I was a miserable tourist....

We were down in the Busselton area, walking through the rain to see a lighthouse and supposedly to spot whales (no such luck, waddaya know) and, while sheltering under an inadequate bush, I managed to have a giggle that at least we were spotting loads of rainbows.



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Hey Pofstert you n me both!

Here's a picture of the area I'll be renting for the first while, called Rossmoyne - unfortunately my house isn't in the photo!


and here's a picture of the area where my mom lives, South Perth


I keep these to look at whenever I feel a bit down in the dumps


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What a stunning view your mom has... :ilikeit: They can say we are isolated etc etc etc but Perth is a beautiful city :ilikeit:

I don't really know south of river but I see it's close to Freo, what a beauty. I can't remember ever having a COLD winter here in Oz, but then again I'm used to the chilly winters of Cape Town :o Cold sea winds and THE mountain!!!!

I am that fat multi layered blimp shivering in the corner

*giggle* :P Now a have a picture in my mind of Gweneth Paltrow in the movie Shallow Hal...your clothes being your "fat suit" :D

I hope you will still love Perth even if you get cold :ilikeit:

greetings from the most Perthect City



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Thanks Cindy, :ilikeit: I'm starting to think we should really consider WA!! Its really nice.

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Its a pleasure Bianca, I love Perth in terms of one's access to the river and the sea. Also, it's just that little bit closer for visitors from SA. If you're into the outdoors lifestyle I reckon you should take a good look at Perth, pick some of the other member's brains (Lindy-Lee, Michelle et al).

While I also love Melbourne the weather is just too temperamental for me and the sea isn't v convenient in Brisbane. Sydney? coming from JHB I'm ready to scale down somewhat!

Where in the UK are you guys?


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