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Pofstart: Newbie alert!


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Hello everyone :lol:

This is my 1st time on a forum, only found out last week that there is something called "forum" :blush: So sorry in advance for any mistakes!

My fiance and I are planning on emigrating to Oz hopefully still in 2007! We've joined an agency and at this stage are just waiting for acceptance of his working experience. Once we have that we'll start the actual visa application, but I think we have all the docs ready for the visa, except the police clearance and doctors certificates.

Must just say, the little I've seen of this forum so far answered a lot of my questions :D

Looking forward to chatting to you all ;)


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Welcome to the forum, I'm sure you'll find a lot of valuable information here!



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More people :-)

Welcome and good luck

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Dankie Linda en Johan :D

Dis lekker as 'n mens 'n response kry.

Het so baie op die forum rond gekyk vannaand, dit voel al of my oê oormekruis wil kyk!

Dankie vir die verwelkoming.



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Hi Pofstert and Welcome! Where in Australia do you plan to settle?

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Thanks Mara :ilikeit:

The settling will probably in the end depends on what visa we can apply for.

But we're hoping for first choice Melbourne cause we have friends there and secondly it comes highly recommended as one of the better cultural centres.

Otherwise 2nd choice will be Adelaide and then 3rdly Perth.

But looking around on the forum tonight I got a bit worried about our agency. We're with IIA (International Immigration Alliance) and I've found a lot of negative commends about them. After reading it we've decided to "hound" them every week on what's happening with our applications, so hopefully they'll jack up their service to us.

I've read that you're from Melbourne, so am hopiing that in a couple of months I can ask you a lot of questions re Melbourne.


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Hi Pofstert,

Glad you found us! My first forum experience was also when I started researching our move here, so I know how you're feeling :ilikeit:

Let us know how you get on with your application - just keep hounding your agents!

See you around


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Thanks Ajay

There will definitely be lots of hounding :ilikeit:

Sent them a long mail last night ... so lets see what is happening today!

My fiance says I'm getting quite addicted to this forum ... and I must agree it looks like he is correct. Just finish showering and quickly had to come and see if anyone responded :ilikeit:

Thanks everyone, you're all making me feel very welcome.

Cheers till lunchtime :ilikeit:


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