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Vaccinations in Australia?


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We arrived in Australia about a month ago. I took my two children to a doctor to convert their South African immunisation schedule to Australian requirements. I am going back this week to get the catch up vaccines. The ones they need seem to be the meningitis vaccine, and an additional whooping cough combination for my oldest.

A few questions:

- Where is the best place to get vaccines done? Is a GP usually used, or are there such things as local clinics?

- What do vaccines cost if you have medicare?

- I read a few topics on the forum, and it seems kids are often given vaccines at school: if so, do you need to even get the catch ups done? How often do nurses visit schools?

- I also read something about getting a $245 payment because the vaccines are up to date - is this true and how is this claimed?

Thanks. :)

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- Where is the best place to get vaccines done? Is a GP usually used, or are there such things as local clinics?

There are both. Pick whichever is convenient.

- What do vaccines cost if you have medicare?

Nothing - all free

- I read a few topics on the forum, and it seems kids are often given vaccines at school: if so, do you need to even get the catch ups done? How often do nurses visit schools?


- I also read something about getting a $245 payment because the vaccines are up to date - is this true and how is this claimed?

The bonus you get is for getting all the vaccines in the first two years. Its called the immunization bonus.

See http://www.centrelink.gov.au/internet/inte...rnity_allow.htm for details.

Looking at that link, the rules seemed to have changed.

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Thanks Jordy! :whome:

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