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Hi again


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Have been through the whole process and received our PR visas last year. Basically finished the paper work, sent it through and was told it could take up to 6 or 8 weeks to be processed. Got a call from Australia 24 hours later saying we have got it!!! Then we went to validate the visa in November, visiting my sister and best friend, Gizmo, in Perth

Now I am trying to register with the AMC so that I could work when we make the big move. This prooved to be more difficult than the visas. I have to write an exam and fly over for some interview, (2 trips more to Perth).....

I am worried. Heard the exams can be tricky?? Any advice from somebody who did this recently?

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Wow, thats great and welcome to Perth for when you arrive.

Sorry cant help with your question, but I am sure that you will be just fine.

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