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Newies to Perth


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Ek en my man is nou al so 3 maande hier in Perth en sukkel maar nog om aan te pas.

Geniet dit, maar mis al ons vriende in SA. Tenminste hou werk ons besig, maar naweke is maar boring op die oomblik.

Sal graag wil kuier saam met ander afrikaners, maar weet nie regtig waar om te gaan om hul raak te loop nie.

Kan julle enige kuier plekke in Perth voorstel?


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Hi Esmari, die kerkgroepe is nogal aktief. Meeste van ons skakel maar in met een of ander klub of sport. Stuur 'n PM vir meer info...

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Hi Esmari, die kerkgroepe is nogal aktief. Meeste van ons skakel maar in met een of ander klub of sport. Stuur 'n PM vir meer info...

Hi Esmari

Ons is ook nog nuut maar het darem al so paar mense ontmoet, ek dink ook die Kerke is dalk die beste maar ek glo dat julle dalk op die forum mense kan raakloop. Ek weet nie van enige plekke waar mense uithang nie maar ons het al 'n hele paar goeie mense en vriende op die forum ontmoet.

Jy is welkom om my ook te kontak, ons settle maar nog in maar as ek dalk van iets hoor sal ek jou laat weet of dalk kan mens ietsie reel waar paar mense sommer in 'n park gaan braai of iets.



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Esmari, baie maklik......ek het op my tweede dag in WA verby I Aussie se huis gery en hy het in sy garage by sy Bar alleen gesit en I biertjie geniet, ek het na my huis toe gegaan en I sixpack opgetel en geloop na sy huis toe en gevra of ek hom kan join.................ons is nou groot vriende en die vrouens kom puik oor die weg............en I bonus sy dogtertjie is so oud soos myne!!!

My punt is moenie bang wees om mense te ontmoet nie mag dalk net goeie vriende word...............ons ken nou al so baie Saffers en Aussies ons moet nou al naweke wegkruip!!!

Gee bietjie kans 3 maande is nog bloedjonk!!

Waar in die Perth area bly julle?

Ons is way down South...........Secret Harbour!

Stuur maar I PM dan kan ons dalk ietsie reel of so!!! :hug:

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Welkom hier in Perth!

Ons is ook maar nuut, so 4 maande terug hier geland. Ons bly suid van die rivier. Laat weet waar julle bly of stuur my 'n PM, dalk kan ons bymekaar kom een of ander tyd. Watse werk doen julle en waar bly julle?

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Welkom hier in Perth!

Ons is ook maar nuut, so 4 maande terug hier geland. Ons bly suid van die rivier. Laat weet waar julle bly of stuur my 'n PM, dalk kan ons bymekaar kom een of ander tyd. Watse werk doen julle en waar bly julle?


Dit klink na n plan. Sal lekker wees om bietjie te kuier en ons eie taal te praat.

Ons bly in Cannington. My man is n draaier en ek werk by Flight Centre in die stad. Dalk kan ons meet vir n vinnige koffie een lunch tyd.

En julle -werk julle albei?

Ons geniet Perth tot dus ver baie. En julle?

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Sorry, we are an English Family.

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Ons het by 'n oulike kerk ingestap die tweede sondag nadat ons hier aangekom het en almal het ons welkom geheet en regtig vinning laat inskakel. My vrou kuier nou so dat sy nie by haar eie dinge uitkom nie.

PM my dan gee ek vir jou die kerk se adres. Dit is 'n rustige klomp mense sonder pretensies en 'clicks' en julle sal maklik inskakel.


For a quick translation - we joined a local Ausie church on the second weekend after we arrived and they received us and made friends with us very quickly. What a nice group of real and open people.


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Ons het by 'n oulike kerk ingestap die tweede sondag nadat ons hier aangekom het en almal het ons welkom geheet en regtig vinning laat inskakel. My vrou kuier nou so dat sy nie by haar eie dinge uitkom nie.

PM my dan gee ek vir jou die kerk se adres. Dit is 'n rustige klomp mense sonder pretensies en 'clicks' en julle sal maklik inskakel.


For a quick translation - we joined a local Ausie church on the second weekend after we arrived and they received us and made friends with us very quickly. What a nice group of real and open people.



Dankie, dit sal gaaf wees as jy die addres vir ons kan gee.


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  • 3 months later...

Ek en my vrou is nou al 4 maande hier in Perth en bly ook Suid van die Rivier (SOR) . Ons ken die gevoel en mis ons vriende in Pta verskriklik baie!!! Ek het 'n voorstel - daar is baie nice braai plekke reg langs die Swan River waar ons al was. Wat dink julle van 'n lekker bring en braai Sat die 2de Oktober. Ons begin sommer lekker vroeg so 11:00 se kant?? Daar is gasbraaiers, so elkeen bring net sy eie vleis, drank en gemakstoele.

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  • 3 months later...


Please include us!

We are moving to Perth (Applecross) in early January and would be good to make contact.



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Please include us!

We are moving to Perth (Applecross) in early January and would be good to make contact.



Welcome to PM us for get together!

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Om nie die Engelstaliges uit te sluit nie, sal ek in Engels antwoord.

We are also only 3 months in Perth, NOR, and this is our experience. We have met a number of South Africans up to now. Where?

- Just by speaking Afrikaans to each other in shops and malls, we will have other Afrikaans-speaking people approach us. Or otherway round, when we hear them speak Afrikaans we will approach them. We will exchange phone numbers, and then follow-up and contact them for get-together.

- Attending church. Most churches here have South Africans. We have met some lovely people at church.

- My husband participated in a charity golf day, and all the guys he ended up playing with, were South Africans.

- I attend the two ladies get-togethers that focus on people new to Perth. The first is Welcome 2 Perth, multi-national, the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, 10h00-12h00 at Gloria's, Sorrento Quays, Hillaries Boat Club. They advertise in the Joondalup Times & Weekender. The 2nd is Afrikaans-speaking ladies getting together the last Friday of each month at The Bistro, Joondalup Resort, 10h00-12h00.

- Via the people we have met, we meet their friends at their social get-togethers (birthday parties, BBQ, shopping trips to other malls, etc.).

- South Africans in Perth (http://south-africans-in-perth.com) has a Newcomers Network, which meet every 2nd Friday of the month, 6pm-8pm at Mantra on Murray, Bin 305 Restaurant Bar, 305 Murray Street Perth.

- The following have mailing lists, websites or Facebook Pages where the advertise get-togethers for South Africans in Perth:

South Africans in Perth (http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=3438930741)

South Africans in Perth WA (http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=13191858162)

The South African in Perth (http://www.facebook.com/TheSouthAfricanPerth)

South African Essentials (http://www.facebook.com/pages/South-African-Essentials/385438539401)

South Africans in Perth (http://south-africans-in-perth.com)

African Heritage (http://www.africanheritage.com.au)

We read the Joondalup Times & Weekender on a weekly basis. You will find loads of activities and festivals that are hosted all over Perth, especially during the weekends.

Kind Regards


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wow cornelvisagie - you are a goldmine of information and suggestions!

thanks very much I will definately follow up every suggestion youve made (apart from perhaps the 'greet people and exchange phone numbers' when you bump into SAers) - probably a bit of a risk


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wow cornelvisagie - you are a goldmine of information and suggestions!

thanks very much I will definately follow up every suggestion youve made (apart from perhaps the 'greet people and exchange phone numbers' when you bump into SAers) - probably a bit of a risk



Pleasure - I have learned so much from the forum and its members before and after we landed, that its good to also contribute. Not to worry, we don't exchange phone numbers with everyone we meet. :ilikeit: You know by instinct if you will get along or not with someone.

Kind Regards


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  • 1 month later...

.....and we are still stuck in SA. I wish we were in Perth already. We are at a bad spot at the moment and cant leave soon. We hope that the visa will be approved by end March 2011 and then we must start to do what the rest has already done. My 2 dogters is albei op universiteit en ek los hulle nie hier nie, dis een van die redes hoekom ons waai en dis om vir hulle 'n beter toekoms te skep. Die jongste is op Tuks en sy kan haar graad in Oz voltooi maar oudste doen Echo Toerisme bestuur by TUT wat 'n SA gebaseerde diploma is en sy maak eers einde 2012 klaar...... groot probleem ne. Hierdie forum sal my die geleentheid gee om mense in Perth te ontmoet nog voordat ons daar geland het. Ek is nuut op die forum maar lees heelwat wat die SAners skryf en leer baie uit die proses.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello almal.

Is iemand nie lus vir 'n braai nie. Nog beter as iemand 'n bakkie het gaan braai ons erens op die strand. Ons is in Secret Harbour.

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