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Decent pain medication

Michele R

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I've tried to search the forum for the topic where someone said what medication to take that's similar to myprodol (I think it was a combination of 2 pills). I'm suffering from really bad headaches, and am hoping to find something that might work. I've tried the over the counter meds here, and nothing is taking it away. I really miss Dischem right now, they had Copadol which always did the trick. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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I take Panadeine and Panafen together... its a mix of Paracetamol and Codeine and then of Ibuprofen and Codeine.... BUT now the laws have changed again about how you can buy these, so you wont be able to buy them over the counter together anymore without a script.... unless you go to the one chemist for the one, and the next for the other!!

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Yes, Myprodol has Paracetamol, Codeine and Ibuprofen.

You can buy ibuprofen from supermarkets (well you can now) and then you just need the Panadeine.

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Sorry about the head aches! I really find that the only thing that works for me is 2 Nurofens and 2 Aspro clears together. Knocks me right out of me socks and the head ache disappears.

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Panadene Forte is the stronger version of Panadene. It really knocks you out so be sure not to drive anywhere after taking them. Another docter prescribed Stemetil and Brufen 400mg and that combination also worked well for me. Hope you get well soon - I know what a pain headaches can be. For some weird reason I also struggle to get rid of them here - it sometimes takes 3 days of constant drugging. In SA I would have gone to the hospital and get an injection but they are sooooo stubborn here and don't give it at all.

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Thanks so much for the advice!

I used to be able to phone up my doc and have her fax me a script, or just arrive at the doc's office and have the nurse give me an injection, but here they seem very careful to do anything. I understand there are strict laws and they need to be careful, but come on.

Thanks, I will try and see if I can get these and give them a try. I'm also struggling to get rid of headaches here, and I find I'm getting them far more frequently than back in SA.

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Thanks so much for the advice!

I used to be able to phone up my doc and have her fax me a script, or just arrive at the doc's office and have the nurse give me an injection, but here they seem very careful to do anything. I understand there are strict laws and they need to be careful, but come on.

Thanks, I will try and see if I can get these and give them a try. I'm also struggling to get rid of headaches here, and I find I'm getting them far more frequently than back in SA.

Hi Michelle

If your headaches are really bad rather get a presription for good painkillers. I find that the over the counter stuff here does nothing for me. If you have a good doctor here that is willing to give you a prescription, ask him for Tramadol. Works for me.



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Hi Nanette,

Great advice! I'm debating going to the doctor, but I went to a doc a few months ago here, and he was terrible! I had to almost beg him to give me triphasil, after he gave me attitude for not wanting to have children. Hubby's on prescription medication for hair loss, and he gave him an earful and demanded he gets blood work done because who knows what the hormones are doing to him. Hubby went to a specialist in SA who recommended the meds and they did checked up on him in the beginning, but he's been using the meds for years no, no side effects. So after this I'm a bit wary. If we ever get to Melbourne, I'll give you a mail and find out where your doc is!

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I used Adco-Dolls in South Africa and they really helped a lot as I got bad megraines - in Canberra I found Mercyndol (hope the spelling is correct) which is the same it just does not have caffeine in like Adco-Dol has.

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Thanks Johnny & Rene!

I also used Adco-Dol in SA and it really worked quite well, so will have a look and see if I can find Mercyndol. Do you know if you need a doctor's script for it?

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Thanks Johnny & Rene!

I also used Adco-Dol in SA and it really worked quite well, so will have a look and see if I can find Mercyndol. Do you know if you need a doctor's script for it?


Mersyndol night has paracetamol codeine and a calmative and is very much like syndol or adco - dol. Mersyndol day has paracetamol and codeine. Both of these are available from the pharmacy, you do have to discuss why you require it with the pharmacist. Then there is Mersyndol Forte which is basically the Mersyndol night with more codeine but you need a Doctors perscription for this.

I have found the Mersyndol night tabs effective. There are also neurofen plus - codeine and brufen mix available at the pharmacy.

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Thanks Kay j,

I've managed to find a South African doctor in the city, so might go see him at some stage and ask him about something for my migraines. Think the Mersyndol night will do the trick.

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Here in Canberra they keep it behind the counter with the prescription medication but you just ask for it.

I use the day and night one depends on when and how bad the headache is.

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I suffered from headaches when I arrived in Aus a few weeks back. Try drinking a little more water. It worked for me.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Michele - have you found your answer?

Just thought I'd add my 2c (in case it helps someone else) :blush: hubby swears by Chemist's Own - he got sick both times we went to Brisbane (we think it was the hotel's food cos we stayed at the same place both times), and we bought Chemist's Own which fixed him up brilliantly. It still sorts him out brilliantly whenever he has fever/headache/weakness from being ill (we had leftover tablets which we just brought home with us). I think its effect on him is a bit like Advil CS, even though it's just paracetamol.

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Hi Kit,

I haven't really found anything decent yet, and seem to be going through a no sleep phase as well at the moment (think I'm a bit stressed). We're probably going to SA in Feb next year, so will stock up on Adco-dol when I'm there. Unfortunately I haven't found a doctor who I like and feel comfortable with to chat about my headaches (I find the doctors bedside manners somewhat bad). But when I find something, I'll let you know!

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Ja, party dokters en aptekers kan lekker vertraag wees Michelle, ek verstaan heeltemal jou 'aversion'. Ek sal met my SA dokter praat en hoor of jy hom telefonies kan konsulteer, as jy wil, hy is in Adelaide. Hulle kan dan net jou voorskrifte pos. Dit vat net 2 dae. Hy kan jou help met die hoofpyn en slaaploosheid.

Ek en hy was laasjaar goed die hel in vir 'n apteker in Geraldton. Ek sukkel gereeld met infeksies, en oor die jare beheer ek en hy dit saam baie goed met canesten room en diflucan pille. Dit gebeur toe weer, en hy se ek kan dit maar net gaan kry, hier in Oz het jy nie voorskrif nodig nie. Kom by die apteek, en hulle wil jou hele lewensverhaal hoor. hoeveel keer het jy dit hierdie jaar gehad, hoe lank teerug die laaste keer, het jou ouma se ouma se mal antie se kind dalk suikerprobleme gehad, etc, etc. Ek is min gepla oor al die stories, ek jeuk soos nooit tevore en wil asb net die goed he, maar sy reken nee jammer, jy kan dit nie saam gebruik nie. Ek bel hom in trane op sy sel, en hy vreet haar goed uit en se vir haa sy moet haar oe oopmaak en kyk, hulle verkoop die pil en room SAAM in 'n pak genaamd Canesoral. Hy mompel iets van mense wat dink hulle weet iets as hulle eintlik stupid is. EK is daar uit baie happy en het nooit weer enige vrae uit daai girl se mond gehad oor wat my dokter se nie.

Jy het net 'n goeie dokter nodig, niks anders nie !

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Wow Cristel, jy is so lucky dat jy so goeie dokter het. My ma se dokter in SA het Brisbane toe getrek...maar is bietjie ver om te vlieg (al hoewel, mens moet partykeer so lank wag om 'n dokter te sien, mens kan net sowel na 'n ander stad toe vlieg!) Hopelik kry ek een of ander tyd 'n goeie dokter hierso.

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I get terrible headaches here - turns out I have allergies and so I get sinus - never really had it back in RSA - I now use a nasal spray and pain pills and it sorts it out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Michelle

If you get migraines and not headaches the best medicine to get is Sumatab (generic for Imigran) - it costs about $15 for 4 tablets and you definitely need a prescription for it, but it is worth the effort.

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Thanks Tilla,

I seem to have an ok-ish doctor, so next time I visit him, I'll ask him for it (they seem to only give you medication if you demand it, lol).

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