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2010 Vrystaters oppad na Australia?


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Is daar enige Vrystaters tans oppad of van voorneme om te immigreer na Australie? Ons wil graag onderling kontak maak en van tyd tot tyd in Bloemfontein ontmoet. Reageer asb op die forum of PM my. Aktief55+

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Is daar enige Vrystaters tans oppad of van voorneme om te immigreer na Australie? Ons wil graag onderling kontak maak en van tyd tot tyd in Bloemfontein ontmoet. Reageer asb op die forum of PM my. Aktief55+


Is Kimberley naby genoeg aan Vrystaat? :)


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Ek skree nog Cheetah al bly ek nie meer in Bloemfontein nie.

Ek wil net sê, ek is ook op pad.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi everyone

Even though i live in Dubai now, i hope i still count as a free stater :0)

We are also starting the process now. My brother and his fiance' would also like to go over but they don't qualify for any of the list. They are in Bloem if anyone would like to chat to them and give them advice. How do people who don't qualify for any of the lists get into Australia? i looked at recruitment agencies but they all say you need to have a visa be able to apply for the jobs?

Looking forward to hearing from everyone.


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Is Kimberley naby genoeg aan Vrystaat? :)


Hallo Karin

Verseker is Kimberley nagenoeg, PM my asb jou kontakbesonderhede, uiteindelik het ons 'n paar bymekaar om 'n Ken mekaar te reel.



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Hi everyone

Even though i live in Dubai now, i hope i still count as a free stater :0)

We are also starting the process now. My brother and his fiance' would also like to go over but they don't qualify for any of the list. They are in Bloem if anyone would like to chat to them and give them advice. How do people who don't qualify for any of the lists get into Australia? i looked at recruitment agencies but they all say you need to have a visa be able to apply for the jobs?

Looking forward to hearing from everyone.


Hallo L.T.

Ons sal baie graag met jou broer en sy verloofde wil kennismaak. My man is redelik op hoogte van al die toelatingsvereistes tot Australie. Ons jongste seun en sy gesin is reeds in Queensland en ons dogter en haar gesin is in proses om te gaan. Ons is ook in proses oppad Queensland toe. PM my asb hul kontakbesonderhede (selfoon en eposadres) dan maak ons kontak met hulle hier.



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Yep im in Ladybrand in the Freestate! :)

Hallo Bevmac,

PM asb jul kontakbesonderhede, uiteindelik het ons 'n paar in die Vrystaat bymekaar om 'n ontmoeting te reel.



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Ek skree nog Cheetah al bly ek nie meer in Bloemfontein nie.

Ek wil net sê, ek is ook op pad.

Hallo Dawid,

Baie sukses met die immigrasieproses, vertrou julle het 'n sagte landing in OZ, waar gaan julle daar vestig?



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  • 1 year later...

Hi daar julle!!

Wil hoor of julle al in Aus is en of daar nog van julle is wat in Bloem is?

Ek is in Bloemfontein en ons beplan ook om oor te gaan.

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We've left in Dec 2011. Settled in Perth, loving life here!

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