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J&j: Just starting the process


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My wife and I have made the decision to move to Australia. We are in the process of finding out all the information that we can regarding the different visas. Jax is 28 and i'm 27, we both have degrees and receive enough points for the skilled migration visa. I'm in Logistics and Jax is a secondary school teacher, living in PMB. We are not in a rush and are hoping to be in Australia by the middle of 2008.

We would be grateful for any advice or suggestion to help us on this journey.

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Hi, welcome to the forum.

Where in Australia are you thinking of settling?


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We are between Perth and Adelaide at the moment. We are going to a seminar in Durban wednesday evening, hopefully we can gather some more info there. Would you advise using an agent or doing it yourself.


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You have come to the right place :-)

There is lots of useful information the site.

Here is wishing you a smooth process.

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