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Kuier in R.S.A vir 6 weke ( het RSMS 119visa)

Karoo -familie

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Hallo Julle

Met die special wat aan is op vlugte na Jburg, begin ek ook nou skoon verlang. Ons sal end vd jaar 'n jaar hier wees in Austr op 'n RSMS 119. Mag ons dan vir 6 weke gaan kuier in R.S.A? Moet ons toestemming iewers hê of vir DIAC laat weet? Skuus dit klink seker dom, maar ek wil net doodseker maak.

Dankie solank


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Hi Hannelie,

You can go back to SA for a holiday when ever you want, don't have to inform DIAC, the only difference it makes is the time you are out of Aus the clock stops as far as your citizenship is concerned.


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Hi Hannelie,

You can go back to SA for a holiday when ever you want, don't have to inform DIAC, the only difference it makes is the time you are out of Aus the clock stops as far as your citizenship is concerned.


Thanks Jill. Good to hear from you. Jy was stil

Baie dankie

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